![]() check for a high insulation resistance between the
indicates that the circuit breaker is defective and
four terminals and case of the transformer. Check
should be replaced.
for continuity between terminals H1 and H2 and
c. Removal. Remove the six screws which
X1 and X2. Any low insulation resistance or lack of
secure the circuit breaker and metal cover to the
indicates that the transformer is
right end of the junction box. Remove the plastic
defective and must be replaced.
c i r c u i t breaker cover. Drive the steel pin out of the
c. Removal. Remove the four hexagon nuts,
circuit breaker throw bar and remove the actuator
eight flat washers and four lock washers which
arm. Remove the circuit breaker from the junction
secure the transformer to the top right side of the
d. Installation. Installation shall be in the
junction box after removing and tagging four wire
reverse order of removal. When installing a new
leads and capacitor. Remove the transformer.
c i r c u i t breaker, discard the spacer on the throw bar
d. Installation. Installation shall be in the
to allow installation of the actuator arm.
reverse order of removal. Insure that the gasket
u n d e r the transformer is in serviceable condition. Be
4-38. Transformer
sure that the capacitor is re-installed across the two
a. Function. The transformer steps down the
output terminals X1 and X2 of the transformer.
1 1 5 volt input voltage to 30 volts for operation of
4-39. Rectifier
all electrical controls.
b . Testing. Remove the junction box from the air
a. Function. The rectifier is used to rectify the
conditioner (para 4-36 b). Check the output ter-
AC current to provide DC power to operate the
m i n a l s X1 and X2 for a voltage of 29 to 31 volts
control circuit.
with an air conditioner input voltage of 115 volts
b. Testing. Remove the junction box from the air
a n d with the mode selector switch set to any of the
c o n d i t i o n e r ( p a r a 4 - 3 6 b). T a g a n d d i s c o n n e c t t h e .
four operating positions. Disconnect all power to
four wire leads from the rectifier. Using an ohm
the air conditioner and remove and tag the four
meter measure the resistance between terminals as
leads to the transformer. Remove the capacitor
connected across the two output terminals and
Ohmmeter Probe
Ohmmeter Probe
Resistances not in accordance with the above test
indicate an open circuit. Energize the control
indicate a defective rectifier.
circuit and again measure the resistance across
c. R e m o v a l . R e m o v e t h e n u t a n d l o c k w a s h e r
contacts 2 and 3. The resistance should again be
w h i c h secure the rectifier to the top left side of the
o p e n circuit until the time period of 15 seconds for
junction box.
K 9 or 30 seconds for K6 has elapsed. At the end of
d. Installation. Installation shall be in the
t h e timing period there should be a reading of zero
reverse order of removal.
ohms across terminals 2 and 3.
c. Removal. Tag and disconnect the remaining
4-40. Time Delay Relays, K6 and K9
wire leads. Remove the two screws on the right
a. Function. The air conditioner is equipped
b a c k side of the junction box and the screw on the
with two time delay relays. Time delay relay K6
r i g h t end of the junction box to remove the bracket
p r e v e n t s the compressor from starting for a time of
to which the time delay relays are mounted.
30 seconds after selection of the cooling mode of
Remove the time delay relays from the bracket by
operation. Time delay relay K9 prevents the
removing the four nuts and screws which secure
t h e m to the top and bottom surfaces of the bracket.
high speed for 15 seconds after placing the air
T i m e delay relay K9 is mounted on the top surface
c o n d i t i o n e r in any of the four modes of operation.
and K6 on the bottom surface.
b. Testing. Remove the junction box from the
d. Installation. Installation shall be in the
air conditioner (para 4-36b). Disconnect and tag
reverse order of removal.
t h e leads to contacts 2 and 3. Using an ohmmeter,
m e a s u r e the resistance across contacts 2 and 3 with
4-41. Compressor and Heater Control Relay
the control circuit de-energized. Reading should
a. Function. T h e
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