![]() (k) R e m o v e t h e t w o s c r e w s , s p a c e r s a n d
clamps which secure the harness to the casing
clamps which secure the harness to the casing
assembly, and carefully remove the harness.
(2) H e a t e r w i r i n g h a r n e s s .
(4) Junction box wiring harness. J10.
(b) Remove connector P7 from J7, then
(b) Tag the ten wire leads from connector
r e m o v e four nuts and screws securing connector J7
J10 and disconnect six leads from terminal board
to the case.
TB1, two leads from terminal board TB2 and one
(c) Tag and disconnect the two wire leads to
lead from relay K1 and relay K2.
heater numbers 2 and 5.
(c) Remove the four nuts and screws which
(d) T a g a n d d i s c o n n e c t t h e t w o w i r e l e a d s
secure connector J10 to the back of the junction
f r o m the heater thermostat to heater numbers 2 and
box and remove the harness.
(5) Junction box wiring harness, J4.
(e) Remove the two screws, nuts and
washers which secure the heater thermostat to the
heater support bar and remove the thermostat and
(b) Tag the twenty-four wire leads from
connector J4 and disconnect ten leads from ter-
connector J7.
minal board TB2, eight leads from terminal board
(3) W i r i n g h a r n e s s .
TB1, one lead from relay K1, one lead from relay
(a) R e m o v e t h e j u n c t i o n b o x ( p a r a 4 - 3 6 ) .
K2, one lead from the circuit breaker, two leads
from ground lug E2 and one lead from fuse block
(c) Remove the four screws which secure
connector J1 to the back of the case assembly.
Remove the gasket and cap from J1.
(c) R e m o v e t h e f o u r n u t s a n d s c r e w s w h i c h
s e c u r e connector J4 to the back of the junction box
and remove the harness.
solenoid valves L1 and L2. The coils may be
removed by loosening the hexagon nut at the top
(6) Control Panel Wiring Harness.
a n d carefully lifting the coil assembly from around
(a) R e m o v e t h e j u n c t i o n b o x a n d o p e n t h e
the plunger assembly.
control panel for servicing (para 4-36).
(b) Tag the eleven wire leads from con-
(e) R e m o v e c o n n e c t o r P 4 f r o m J 4 o n t h e
n e c t o r J8 and disconnect seven leads from the mode
junction box.
selector switch, two leads from the fan speed
(f) U n s o l d e r l e a d s f r o m f a n s p e e d c o n t r o l
switch, one lead from the temperature control
p r e s s u r e switch S8 to connector P4 (Pin numbers f
and g).
thermostat and one lead from ground lug El.
(c) R e m o v e t h e f o u r s c r e w s , w a s h e r s a n d
(g) Remove the two screws which secure the
o u t s i d e air thermostat to the back of the casing.
lockwashers which secure connector J8 to the side
of the control panel and remove the harness.
(h) Remove the ten slip-on connectors from
fan speed relay K7.
d. Installation. Installation of the wiring
harnesses shall be in the reverse order of removal.
(i) R e m o v e t h e f o u r s c r e w s s e c u r i n g t h e
pressure switch enclosure to the inside rear of the
C a r e shall be taken while installing the harnesses to
casing. Remove the grommet from the pressure
i n s u r e that the cable is not crimped or damaged or
switch enclosure and tag and remove the two
placed under stress. Be sure that there is no in-
harness leads from the low and high pressure cut
t e r f e r e n c e with moving parts and that the harnesses
out switches.
are securely clamped and secured to prevent
(j) D i s c o n n e c t c o n n e c t o r s P 2 f r o m J 2 o n
mechanical damage.
t h e fan motor and P8 from J8 on the control panel.
4-54. General
M a i n t e n a n c e of the refrigerant system is limited to
inspection and test for proper operation of the
functional components and cleaning of the con-
a . General. In the event a low refrigerant charge
d e n s e r and evaporator coils. The refrigerant system
is suspected (para 4-57) the system should be
consists of the condenser and evaporator coils,
checked for leaks as specified in Paragraph b ( 1 )
compressor, expansion valves, solenoid valves,
a n d P a r a g r a p h b (2). A n y l e a k s d i s c o v e r e d s h o u l d
p r e s s u r e switches, pressure relief valve, dehydrator,
be reported to DS Maintenance for correction.
s i g h t glass, service valves, fluid pressure regulator
b. Testing for Leaks. Use of the halide torch
a n d . the associated interconnecting piping. Refer to
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