![]() case assembly, and carefully lift the evaporator coil
s u b c o o l e r and receiver shall be in reverse order of
from the air conditioner.
Refrigerant system must now be
coil s h a l l b e in r e v e r s e o r d e r o f r e m o v a l .
8 e).
Refrigerant system must now be evacuated and
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the junction box (para 4-36).
(2) Unscrew the circuit breaker reset knob
an integral unit which are removed from the air
from the cable connection at the rear of the air
conditioner as a single item.
c o n d i t i o n e r . Remove the lock washer, nut and lock
b. Removal.
n u t which secure the cable to the back panel of the
(1) R e m o v e eight
screws and remove the
condenser guard and screen.
(3) Remove the cable assembly from the air
(2) Remove two screws and remove the front
c o n d i t i o n e r taking care not to lose the lock washer
remaining on the threaded end.
(3) Remove junction box assembly (para 4-
b. Installation. Installation shall be in reverse
o r d e r of removal. When clamping the cable end to
(4) Discharge the refrigerant system (para 5-
8 b) a n d u n s o l d e r t h e r e f r i g e r a n t l i n e s .
the junction box insure that the circuit breaker is
Unsolder the refrigerant lines from the
f r e e to move to its closed (up) position. Adjust the
end fitting core on the actuator cable so that the
(6) Remove eight screws, securing the con-
circuit breaker is free to move to the fully open
d e n s e r coil assembly to the air conditioner case and
(down) position.
remove the, assembly.
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