![]() (15) Remove wiring harnesses by removing
bristle brush to remove dirt: scale, and other foreign
screws, nuts and gaskets.
(16) Remove relays by removing screws and
d . Inspection. Inspect all components for cracks.
breaks or loose connections.
(17) Remove fuseholders and backing in-
e. Repair or Replacement. Replace all defective
s u l a t i o n by removing screws and nuts from the left
parts. Tighten all loose connections.
end of the junction box.
f. Reassembly. R e a s s e m b l y s h a l l b e i n t h e
(18) Remove terminal boards by removing
r e v e r s e order of disassembly. Make sure all tagged
screws and nuts.
wires are connected to their proper terminals.
c. Cleaning. Clean all parts by using a stiff
S e c t i o n II. FAN MOTOR REPAIR
6-6. Inspection
6-3. General
T h e two speed fan motor may be disassembled and
a. C h e c k t h e b e a r i n g s f o r d i s c o l o r a t i o n , f r a c -
any worn or defective parts replaced in the
tures. wear, pits, etc.
b. C h e c k t h e r o t o r f o r s i g n s o f d r a g g i n g , c h e c k
procedures that follow. The fan motor drives the
its shaft for signs of wear or corrosion.
condenser and evaporator fans.
c. U s i n g a s u i t a b l e o h m m e t e r , m e a s u r e
6-4. Disassembly
resistance of the stator windings as follows:
a. Remove the fan motor from the air con-
(1) E to C=40-45 ohms
ditioner (para 4-34).
b. R e m o v e t h e r e t a i n e r s c r e w s s e c u r i n g t h e e n d
(3) B to C=18-20 ohms
bell on the motor and remove the end bell.
(4) A to C=1-2 ohms
c. Carefully remove the rotor and shaft assembly
d. I n s p e c t t h e s t a t o r h o u s i n g f o r s i g n s o f
from the stator assembly.
cracking. Check the pole pieces for signs of rotor
from the stator assembly.
e. Check the electrical connector for bent pins,
c. R e m o v e f o u r s c r e w s s e c u r i n g t h e e l e c t r i c a l
corrosion and fractures.
c o n n e c t o r to the stator assembly. Pull the connector
f. A f t e r t h e m o t o r i s r e a s s e m b l e d , c h e c k t h e
o u t as far as the wires will permit it to extend then
m o t o r shaft for freedom to turn. Shaft should turn
u n s o l d e r the wires. Be sure each wire is marked for
freely without any signs of dragging or binding.
later identification.
6-7. Repair or Replacement
f. R e m o v e f o u r s c r e w s s e c u r i n g t h e t e r m i n a l b o x
a. R e p l a c e b e a r i n g s t h a t s h o w d i s c o l o r a t i o n ,
to the stator housing and remove the box.
fractures, wear, pits, etc.
a. Clean all parts in dry cleaning solvent,
shows wear, replace.
Federal Specification P-S-661. Use a stiff bristle
c. R e p l a c e s t a t o r s w i t h s h o r t e d o r o p e n w i n -
brush to brush away dirt, scale and other foreign
dings. Replace stator assembly if thermal protector
is defective.
b. Use compressed air to blow out loose material
d. R e p l a c e d a m a g e d e l e c t r i c a l c o n n e c t o r .
in hard to get to areas. Do not spin the bearings
with compressed air.
order of
c. Using a soft cloth carefully wipe all machined
disassembly. Make sure all wires are resoldered to
surfaces with a light oil. Lubricate the bearings
their proper connections.
with grease conforming to MIL-G-25013 if
required. Do not overgrease.
6-9. General
o u t d o o r air. The lower portion of the condenser coil
serves to cool the liquid refrigerant below its
The evaporator coil extracts heat from the air
saturated condensing temperature. The evaporator
conditioned space by the vaporization of liquid
and condenser coils are essentially non-repairable
refrigerant passing through its tubed path. The
items other than servicing specified in paragraphs
eondenser coil rejects the heat picked up by the
4-66 and 4-67.
evaporator coil and the heat of compression to the
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