![]() (3) Coat the mating sufaces of the metal and the gasket with adhesive. Let the surfaces air dry until the
adhesive is tacky but will not stick to the fingers.
(4) Starting with an end, carefully attach the gasket to the metal. Press into firm contact all over.
(5) Minor dents and bent edges can be straightened using common sheet metal repair procedures.
(6) Straighten slightly bent louver blades by hand.
(7) Should touch up or refinishing be necessary, see TM 43-0139.
b. Replace screens, guards or louvers that are badly dented or bent so that they cannot be straightened or
screens that are punctured or torn.
For access, inspection, testing, removal and installation, see paragraph 4-40 and figure 4-32 for the
evaporator fan motor. For the condenser fan motor see paragraph 4-43 and figure 4-35.
a. Authorized Repairs. Direct support maintenance repair of the evaporator fan and condenser fan motors
b. Disassembly. Disassemble the motor only as necessary to affect the required repair. (See figure 5-1.)
Motors manufactured by IMC Magnetics Corp. do not come apart the same way as those
manufactured by Welco Industries, Inc. See motor name plate to determine who made the motor.
(1) To replace the connector:
(a) Loosen the cable clamp.
(b) Tag and unsolder leads.
(c) Remove the old connector.
(d) See wiring diagram and tags and solder leads to the new connector. Remove the tags.
(e) Secure the cable clamp.
(2) To replace the terminal protectors on IMC Magnetics Corp. motors:
(a) Remove the two screws and lock washers from the thermal overload housing.
(b) Remove the housing.
(c) Tag and disconnect the leads to the thermal overload.
(d) Remove the old thermal overload.
(e) See tags and connect leads to the new thermal overload. Remove the tags.
(f) Install the thermal overload housing with two screws and lock washers.
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