![]() TM5-4120-347-14
(11) Debraze the tee from the upper connection on the coil above the fan outlet.
(12) Remove the four flat head screws from the bottom of the coil. The unit will have to be lifted or tilted to
gain access to these screws.
(13) Remove the remaining screws from the rear face of the unit.
When handling coils wear gloves to avoid cuts and reduce fin damage.
(14) Carefully lift the condenser coil and remaining parts up and out of the unit.
(15) Place the old coil along side of the new coil so that the remaining parts can be debrazed and brazed
to the new coil.
b. Installation.
(1) Remove (debraze) the receiver, the sight glass and remaining tubing from the old coil. Braze these
parts to the new coil.
When handling coils wear gloves to avoid cuts and reduce fin damage,
Carefully place coil into position in the unit.
Align holes and secure the coil with flat head screws through the bottom of the unit housing.
Braze the lower hot gas by-pass tee over the fan outlet in place.
Replace the dehydrator with a new one and connect the flare fittings.
Install the receiver clamps and the sight glass mounting plate.
See paragraph 5-30 and install the compressor.
Install the auxiliary power input connector J11.
Leak test the newly connected joints and all connections in the area.
(10) Install the condenser air inlet guard and the top panel.
(11) Evacuate and charge the refrigeration system in accordance with paragraphs 5-13 and 5-14.
The dehydrator (filter drier) is located in the rear (compressor/condenser) compartment. Replace the
dehydrator whenever the refrigerant system is opened for any reason.
a. Removal. See figure 4-16.
(1) Disconnect power at the power source.
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