![]() TM 5-4120-352-14
guard from the air conditioner or the guard can be
removed and washed thoroughly. Clean the louvers
screws and lock washers and fresh air screen.
with a dry cloth. Inspect louver blades for bent con-
dition or damaged rubber strips. Inspect guard for
bent or broken condition.
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
c. Condenser Guard Removal and Installa-
clean parts, is potentially dangerous
to" personnel and property. Avoid re-
condenser guard as follows:
peated and prolonged skin contact.
(1) Remove two screws and lockwashers from
Do not use near open flame or exces-
top and bottom of guard.
sive heat. Flash point of solvent is 100
-138 F (38 -59 C).
secure guard to condenser coil. Remove guard.
c. Cleaning and Inspection. Clean the screen
(3) Install guard and six screws and lock-
in cleaning solvent (Fed. Spec. P-D-680). Replace
washers previously removed.
the screen if damaged or broken.
d. Replacement of Louver Blades. Individual
condenser louver blades (fig. 4-3) are flexible
the screen and two screws and lockwashers.
enough for removal. Remove damaged blades as fol-
(1) Remove rear cover as described in para-
4-20 Condenser Guard and Louver.
graph 4-21.
cated at the rear of the air conditioner, is an ex-
louver blades to be removed. Flex blade to remove
panded metal guard that protects the condenser coil
ends from bearings and remove blade.
from damage. The condenser air discharge louver is
(3) Flex new blade in same manner as in re-
opened and closed automatically by an actuator cyl-
moval and install ends in bearings.
inder in the refrigeration system. A push-pull con-
(4) Install push-on nut.
trol assembly connects the louver and cylinder.
b. Cleaning and Inspection. The guard can be
cleaned with a bristle brush without removing the
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