![]() TM 5-4120-352-14
4 - 3 3 . Wiring Harnesses and Leads.
terminate in an electrical connector, disconnect
connector from corresponding receptacle connector
a. General. The electrical circuits in the air
or plug connector. Touch the test probes of a con-
conditioner are completed either by individual wire
tinuity tester, or multimeter set on low ohms to
leads or by wire leads laced or enclosed in a loom to
ends of wire or corresponding pin of connector. If
form a wiring harness. All of the wiring carries code
continuity is not indicated, repair or replace wire.
numbers. When testing, repairing or replacing the
d. Repair. Remove insulation to expose 1/2 inch
wiring harness or individual wires, refer to the wir-
of bare wire on each side of break. Twist the wire
ing diagram (1-5) and schematic diagram (1-4).
ends and solder the splice. Cover the splice with
b. Inspection. Inspect all wiring installation
PVC electrical tape, making certain to cover all the
for cracked or frayed insulation material. Pay par-
repaired area. Replace broken terminal lugs with
ticular attention to wires passing through holes in
exact duplicates. To replace electrical connectors,
the frame or around sharp edges. Repair or replace
unsolder wires from solder wells to inserts. Install
defective wiring. Inspect electrical connectors and
fittings for damage or broken condition. Replace de-
new connector and insert ends of wires in solder
wells. Solder wires in place. Check connections care-
fective connectors and fittings.
fully. Refer to wiring diagrams.
harnesses by disconnecting each end. Where wires
front cover.
4 - 3 4 . Heater Thermostatic Switch.
a. General The heater thermostatic switch,
(1) to remove bracket and switch from center cover.
mounted in a bracket under the housing center cov-
er, protects the air conditioner from overheating if
(3) and remove bracket (4).
the heating element circuit is actuated and the air
flow is restricted or stopped.
(4) Remove switch screws (5) and disconnect
leads (6) from thermostatic switch (7).
b. Removal. Remove the switch as follows:
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