![]() TM 5-4120-352-14
d. lnstallat ion.
rator air inlet louver.
e. Condenser Fan Motor. Assemble motor on
rator fan motor as follows:
mounting plate and install motor and mounting
(a) Set motor on fan-and-motor base with
plate as follows:
motor base in fan-and-motor shaft (fig. 4-11). In-
stall four cap screws and lockwashers through un-
(8) in mounting plate (9) if they were removed.
derside of base to secure motor. Tighten setscrew in
(2) Place a washer (7) over each bushing and
fan-and-motor shaft.
set motor (6) on washers. Install four screws (3),
(b) Install fan and motor assembly on re-
washers (5), and lockwashers (4). Install collar (2)
silient mounts and install four screws and lock-
on motor shaft and install setscrew (1).
washers (fig. 4- 11).
(3) Install plate and motor in air conditioner
(c) Install brackets above fan. Install tem-
and slide fan impeller (fig, 4-12) on motor shaft. In-
perature selector switch bulk in clamps and secure
stall four screws and flat washers.
clamps with screws and lockwashers.
(4) Connect motor electrical connector.
rator drain piping.
(e) Connect motor electrical connector.
Section XIV.
Evaporator Fan Motor Speed
Control Switch.
The evaporator fan motor speed control switch is
(2) Disconnect electrical connector located
just below condenser motor electrical connecter
a toggle switch which is part of the control module.
Replacement instructions for this switch are in-
(3) Check for continuity between terminals of
cluded with the control module.
connector. There should be no continuity between
terminals when temperature is below 95F (35C).
Condenser Fan Motor Speed
If a source of heated air is available, check for
closing of contacts and continuity between termi-
nals at 95F to 105F (35C to 40.6C).
trol thermostatic switch, located on the rear wall of
(4) If switch and connector assembly do not
the housing, automatically controls the fan motor
meet requirements, check wiring and repair dam-
speed. The switch is normally open and closes on
aged wiring or replace switch.
temperature rise between 95F and 105F (35C
c. Removal. With top cover removed and elec-
and 40.6C). When the switch contacts close the
trical connector disconnected, proceed as follows:
condenser fan relay coil is energized and the relay
(1) Refer to figure 4-15 and remove two
shifts the fan motor circuit from low-speed to high-
screws and lockwashers. Remove switch and con-
nector assembly.
b. Testing. Test the switch and connector as-
(2) Disconnect switch leads from connector.
sembly in the air conditioner as follows:
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