![]() TM 5-4120-352-14
circuit breaker (18) through opening in junction
box with locating projection in opening provided.
19 and remove relay as follows:
Install breaker nut.
(a) Remove two screws (6), nuts (7), and
flat washers (8). Remove relay and bracket from
relay (17) on junction box. Secure relay to junction
junction box.
box with four screws (13), nuts (14), and washers
(b) Remove three nuts (9) and flat washers
(10) to separate bracket ( 11) from condenser fan
relay (12).
fan relay (12) on bracket (11) and secure relay with
(4) Time-Delay Relay. To remove the time
three nuts (9) and flat washers (10). Install bracket
delay relay, refer to figure 4-19 and remove relay as
on junction box and install two screws (6), nuts (7),
and washers (8).
(a) Remove four screws (13), nuts (14), and
(5) Heater and Compressor Motor Re-
washers (15).
(b) Remove relay (17) and two each of
relay (4) and secure relay with four screws (1), nuts
washers (15) and (16).
(2) and flat washers (3).
(5) Control Circuit Breaker. To remove the
e. Installation.
control circuit breaker (18, fig, 4-19), remove circuit
(1) Make any electrical connections that were
breaker nut from front of junction box and pull
disconnected during removal.
breaker to the rear of the junction box.
d. Assembly.
(2) Carefully install junction box into housing
and install seven screws and Iockwashers.
any components that were removed. After installa-
trol module.
tion of components, make all the necessary elec-
trical connections.
(2) Control Circuit Breaker. Install control
S e c t i o n XVII.
4-44. General.
Refer to paragraph 4-43 and partially remove junc-
The power transformer and rectifier reduce the
tion box.
power voltage and convert the alternating currect
to 24-volt direct currect to operate the coils and
across the primary winding and then across the sec-
switches in the control circuit. The transformer is
ondary winding. If eighter winding is open, replace
rated at a secondary voltage of 30 VAC with a pri-
the transformer.
mary voltage of 120 VAC. The transformer and rec-
tifier are located below the junction box. The high
(3) Check for grounds between one terminal of
each winding and transformer case and for shorts
and low pressure cutout switches are also located
between one primary terminal and one secondary
below the junction box with the reset buttons ex-
terminal using an insulation tester, megger or mul-
tending through the front of the housing. The pres-
timeter on high ohms setting. Replace transformer
sure cutout switches are connected in the refrig-
if a short or ground is indicated.
eration system and are electrically connected in the
b. Removal. With junction box removed, re-
control system to the compressor motor relay coil.
Extreme high or low pressure opens the circuit
rfer to figure 4-20 and remove four screws and lock-
washers. Disconnect and remove transformer,
causing the compressor to stop.
stall transformer, four screws, and four lock-
washers. Connect leads. Refer to paragraph 4-43
a. Testing. Test transformer as follows:
and install junction box.
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