![]() TM 5-4120-355-14
Section I. General
1-1 Scope.
a. This manual describes the 6,000 BTU/HR, single phase, 60 hertz and 6,000 BTU/HR, three phase, 400 hertz
air conditioners manufactured by WEDJ, Inc. It covers the installation, operation, organizational, direct, and general
support maintenance of the equipment.
b. Appendix A contains a list of publications applicable to this manual.
c. Numbers in parenthesis following nomenclature callouts on illustrations indicate quantity. Numbers preceding
nomenclature callouts indicate preferred maintenance sequence.
d. Equipment maintenance forms and procedures for their use are contained in TM 38-750, The Army Maintenance
Management System (TAMMS).
e. EIR`s will be prepared on DA Form 2407, Maintenance Request. Instructions for preparing El R's are provided
in TM 38-750, The Army Maintenance Management System. El R's should be mailed directly to Commander, U.S.A.
Support and Aviation Materiel Readiness Command, ATTN: DRSTS-MEM, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120.
1-2. Record and Report Forms.
a. DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide of Engineer Equipment).
b. Maintenance forms, records, and reports which are to be used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance levels
are listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
1-3. Equipment Serviceability Criteria.
For equipment serviceability criteria, refer to technical manual TM 54120- -ESC.
1-4. Destruction of Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use.
Demolition and destruction of equipment will be under the direction of the commander and in accordance with
TM 760-244-3.
1-5. Administrative Storage.
For procedures, forms and records, and inspections required during administrative storage of this equipment, refer
to TM 740-801.
1-6. Description.
a. General. The air conditioner (fig. 1-1) is used primarily in van type enclosures for providing filtered, conditioned,
or heated air as required to maintain service renditions necessary for the efficient operation of electronic equipment and
for the comfort of operating personnel housed within the specified vans. It is a completely self-contained, air cooled,
electric motor driven unit designed for continuous operation with varying loads. It is equipped with internal ducting to
the low side of the evaporator fan so that ventilation air and air from the chemical and biological filter unit may be sup
plied by the evaporator fan.
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