![]() TM 5-4120-356-14
CONDENSER FAN (1). The condenser fan draws
ambient air from the outside. The air flows
o v e r the condenser coil and is exhausted to
the outside.
CONDENSER COIL (2). Air drawn through the
condenser coil by the condenser fan cools
the refrigerant inside the condenser coil.
major components
S e c t i o n III. Technical Principles of Operation
a. General. The air conditioner is a fully self-contained unit capable of
providing cooling, heating or ventilation to the conditioned area.
(1) The cooling section consists primarily of compressor, high and
low pressure cut-out switches, condenser coil, evaporator coil, and a fan motor
which operates both a condenser fan and an evaporator fan. When the selector switch
is placed in the "COOL" position, the fan motor and the compressor start. The cool-
ing section is under the control of the thermostat, which serves to maintain the
temperature of the conditioned area at the desired level.
(2) The compressor is a motor driven unit which is used to pump refrig-
erant through the system. T h e h i g h p r e s s u r e c u t - o u t s w i t c h s t o p s t h e u n i t i f t h e
c o m p r e s s o r d i s c h a r g e p r e s s u r e r i s e s a b o v e 4 6 0 p s i g ( 3 2 . 3 k s / c m2 ) .
( 3 ) The refrigerant, in a gaseous vapor state, is pumped by the com-
pressor to the condenser coil. As the refrigerant flows through the condenser coil,
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