TM 5-4120-356-14
( 2 ) A d j u s t . Adjust position of spring on chain if damper door is not
being held fully closed when chain is pulled out to its limit.
( 3 ) R e p l a c e . R e p l a c e fresh air damper control if chain is broken or if
t h e r e is any damage to the control which would impair serviceability. Refer to
paragraphs (5) and (6) for removal and installation procedures.
( 4 ) R e p a i r . R e p l a c e spring if damaged or not providing sufficient ten-
Replace chain if broken.
(a) Detach spring.
(b) Spread clip and detach chain. Remove chain from unit.
(6) Installation.
(a) Thread new chain through key hole slot and position in clip.
(b) Apply pressure to both sides of clip so that clip closes and
retains chain.
(c) Attach spring to chain.
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