![]() TM 5-4120-369-14
T h e thermostatic switch automatically changes the condenser fan
a . General.
With the ambient temperature at 95F (35C)
s p e e d - b y sensing ambient temperature.
If the ambient temperature
o r below, t h e condenser fan w i l l run at low speed.
t o approximately 105F (40.6C), t h e condenser fan will run at high speed.
C o n v e r s e l y , i f t h e f a n i s r u n n i n g at high speed and the ambient drops to approxi-
m a t e l y 95F (35C), t h e fan will run at low speed.
If no speed change is noted (change in noise level) during
b. Testing.
o p e r a t i o n s , when the ambient temperatures change as described in paragraph a.
a b o v e , the switch is defective and must be replaced.
TM 5-4120-369-14/4-24
Thermostatic Switch
( 1 ) Refer to paragraph 4-18 and remove top covers.
R e f e r to figure 4-24 and remove thermostatic switch and connector.
( 1 ) Refer to figure 4-24 and install.11 the thermostatic switch and
(2) Refer to paragraph 4-18 and install the front covers.
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