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4-26. HOUSING ASSEMBLY/Repair, Replace (Cont)
5. Clean up metal surface with a cloth moistened in acetone (Table
ethyl ketone (MEK) (Table D-1, Item 7).
6. Cut a sheet of the proper insulating material to correct shape.
D-1, Item 1) or methyl-
7. Coat the attaching side with adhesive (Table D-1, Item 2) using paint brush to ensure
complete coverage.
8. Coat the metal with adhesive (Table D-1, Item 2) to which the insulation is to be attached.
9. Let both surfaces air-dry until the adhesive becomes tacky but will not stick to the
10. Starting at one
with the metal.
11. Press into firm
corner or at a narrow edge, carefully bring the insulation in to full contact
contact all over.