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TM 5-4120-377-14
(1) Check to be sure that power has been disconnected.
(2) Check connectors for general condition and loose, broken, or missing contacts. Replace dam-
aged connectors.
(3) Check individual wires for loose solder connections, loose terminal lug connections, cut or
frayed insulation, and cut or broken wires.
(4) See wiring diagram (fig. 4-20) and continuity test individual wires.
no continuity.
b. Repair
(1) See paragraph 4-36 for general wire repair instructions.
Repair or replace wires with
(2) See table 4-3 (Wire List) for wire lengths and terminal/connector information.
(1) See figure 4-50 for removal/installation information.
Rubbing/chafing of wiring harnesses will cause the insulation to be worn off resulting in an
electrical hazard to personnel.
(2) Inspect wiring harnesses running to connectors. Ensure wiring is not rubbing against compres-
sor, sharp metal edges, or other components in the condenser or evaporator sections of the air conditioner.
Safely route and secure wire bundles using tiedown straps (Appendix E, item 17).
Follow-on procedures: 1.
Install lower front panel. (See para 4-29.)
Install rear panel. (See para 4-32.)
3. Install top panel. (See para 4-28.)
Disconnect input power to air conditioner before performing any internal maintenance. Volt-
ages used can KILL. Shutting unit off at control panel does not disconnect unit power.
Preliminary procedure:
Turn unit power off at the source. If there is a chance that it will be turned on,
also disconnect power cable to air conditioner.
Change 3