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Figure 5-14.1. Solenoid Valve Coil Replacement (KECO Model F-18T4-2S)
b. Coil replacement. The coil can be replaced without opening the refrigeration pressure system
Do not attempt any disassembly of solenoid valve other than coil removal with a
refrigerant charge in the system. Refrigerant will be sprayed out dangerously it screws
that attach tube and plunger assembly to valve body are loosened.
(1) Remove nut that attaches coil to valve body, and remove coil and connector assembly.
(2) Remove four screws and nuts that attach connector to adapter on coil.
(3) Pull connector away from adapter, unsolder coil leads from pins in the connector, and remove
connector and gasket.
and four
Remove adapter from the coil casing.
Feed leads of new coil through adapter, and install adapter on coil casing.
Feed coil leads through gasket and solder them to pins in connector. Then install gasket, Connector
attaching screws and nuts on adapter.
Install coil and connector assembly, and the attaching nut on valve body.
Connect harness connector to connector on solenoid valve.
Follow-on procedure: install junction box. (See para 4-46.)
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