![]() TM 5-4130-234-13&P
(6) Remove screws {65A) and separate connector
189) and beaker (84) with attaching parts ( 141 thru 144)
(66) with attached wiring from panel (150).
5-27. Panel (150, fig. 5-2)
(7) Remove attaching parts (74 through 76\ and
a. Replace panel (150) as follows:
separate gages (80, 81) from panel (150).
(1) Remove attaching parts (40 through 43) and
(8) Remove attaching parts (104 through 107) and
separate valves (44) with attaching fittings and tubings
separate valves (108) from panel. (150).
from panel (150).
(9) Remove attaching parts (147, 148, 151, 155,
(2) Loosen nuts (part of item 37) and remove unions
156. 158) and remove panel (150).
(part of item 37).
b. Install panel (150) as follows:
(3) Separate circuit breaker 158), lamp and lamp
(1) Position panel (150) under gages and values and
assembly (59, 60). and switch (61) from panel (150).
align panel holes with nut (149) and bracket (159).
(4) Remove connector (63) from conductor (64) and
Install parts (147, 14&, 151, 155, 156, 158 to secure
loosen cord grip (65) and pull conductor through panel
panel (150) to enclosure.
(150). (See wiring diagram figure .5-1 for wire
(2) Reinstall valves (108, 44), gages (80, 81),
connection on connector P1.)
connectors (63, 66). unions (37, 68), circuit breakers
(5) Loosen nuts {part. of item 68, fig . 5 -2) and
(58), lamp and lamp assembly (59, 60), and switch (61)
in reverse sequence given in paragraph 5-27a, steps (1)
through (8)
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