![]() 1-5.
Drive Belts and Shafts
Pipes, Hoses and Connections
The purpose of connection hoses and pipes is to isolate
the radiator from engine vibrations and to provide a leak
and water pump drive makes use of a single belt which is
proof path for adequate coolant circulation through the
driven by a pulley on the engine crankshaft Normally, this
cooling system components. Hoses are attached to the
belt also drives the generator. Other vehicles may have
various necks and flanges by clamps. Clamps may be
separate belts for one or two of these units, or two belts to
snap-on spring wires, screw type adjustable clamps,
drive a single unit In any case, proper operation of the
flange and gasket bolt-on joints or "O" rings. Leaks that
water pump drive belt is the most critical. When the water
are discovered at the hose clamp can often be repaired by
pump stops during engine operation, overheating of the
tightening when they are of the adjustable screw or bolt
engine follows almost immediately.
Belts stretch in
flange type.
service, adjustment of belt tension is by movable
mountings on one or more units driven by the belt.
Miscellaneous Fittings
b. Shafts Some heavy-duty engines make use of a
shaft to drive the water pump Such a shaft is usually
driven from the engine crankshaft or camshaft by gears.
cock or removable screw-type plug located at the bottom
The shaft often drives the generator as well as the water
tank of the radiator or at the outlet to permit draining of
pump Flexible couplings are installed In drive shafts to
coolant. Similar points of drainage are provided for the
keep them properly lined up in their bearings.
engine block. In some systems, there will be a drain cock
or plug in the pump housing if it Is the lowest point in the
system. For complete draining of all parts of the system,
every coolant drain plug must be removed and every drain
cock opened.
Figure 1-3. Cooling system drain cocks
Figure 1-2. Fan, shroud and drive belt.
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