![]() shock, and deterioration of gaskets, and wear, breakage,
hose usually takes place more rapidly from the inside (fig
or corrosion of metal parts may create leakage; these
conditions are often more severe in military operation.
Hardening of old hose increases the difficulty of keeping
The radiator pressure cap, which is used on nearly all
connections leakproof. Hose failures not only result in
military vehicles, creates additional pressure in the system,
leakage, but may also cause restriction of coolant
thereby increasing the leakage tendency at hose
circulation through clogging or collapsing.
connections and other water joints. Radiator leakage may
particles from rotted hose linings will clog the radiator
be caused by accidental damage to the core from flying
water tubes and are very difficult to remove. Rotted hose
stones and debris, minor collisions with other vehicles or
may break open without warning and cause a large
objects, or from sabotage and combat damage. Such
coolant losses. In addition to the usual radiator hose,
damage can easily occur without the driver's knowledge.
some military vehicles have other coolant hose and tubes,
such as the cylinder head water by-pass and steam relief,
b. Appearance and Effects Small coolant leaks,
and overflow tank tubes. Frequent outside examination of
all hose and connections and careful inside inspection of
which show dampness or even dripping when cold, may
radiator hose whenever the connections are opened,
not be noticed when the engine is hot, due to rapid
require little time and can save much trouble
evaporation of the leakage.
Leakage of antifreeze
compound may be easier to find because It evaporates
much more slowly than water. Rusty or grayish-white
stains at joints in the radiator or engine water jacket (fig 2-
2) are usually indications of leakage, even though there
appears to be no dampness. Even small leaks should not
be neglected, since they often become larger, sometimes
suddenly, and generally while the vehicle is being driven.
When a driver neglects leakage inspection he risks
overheating during operation, possible mechanical
breakdown, and failure of his mission.
Figure 2-3. Inside deterioration and clogging of rubber
a. Causes of Failure The function and operation of
the thermostat is such that this indispensable unit does not
have an indefinite service life and can fail with little or no
advance warning. The valve and operating mechanism Is
subjected to extreme temperature changes, corrosion, and
also to wear and bending movement. Rust or foreign
Figure 2-2. Outside leakage of engine water jacket.
matter in the coolant interferes with proper thermostat
operation and overheating from any cause may damage it.
Rubber Hose
Defective thermostats may stick open or closed, or they
may leak. Thermostat Testers (1, fig 2-1) are available
Leaks are more common at radiator hose connections
and will prove to be a time-saver. To test, remove the
than anywhere else In the cooling system.
thermostat from the vehicle. Place thermostat in tester,
vibration has a tendency to wear and loosen rubber hose
allow to heat and read the thermostat opening
connections. Clamps may buckle the hose and threads on
the clamp bolt are sometimes stripped. The hose itself
has a limited service life. Heat and water cause hose
swelling, hardening, cracking, and rotting. Deterioration of
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