![]() b. Inhibitor in Antifreeze Since inhibitors are
coolant is lost. Finally, coolant circulation stops, and
cooling falls completely This means that operating an
included in antifreeze compounds (para 2-32c), no
engine with the coolant boiling for even a short length of
inhibitors of any kind should be added to fresh antifreeze
time may be actually driving that engine to destruction.
solutions. However, corrosion inhibitors may be weakened
by use in the cooling system. Therefore, it is important to
c. Overcooling Difficulties. Although less sudden in
add an inhibitor to reclaimed antifreeze solutions that are
effect than overheating, overcooling may be equally
to be used a second winter (para 2-32g).
dangerous to the engine.
Low engine operating
temperature, especially during freezing weather, results in
excessive fuel consumption, dilution of engine oil by
unburned fuel, and formation of sludge from condensation
Do not add any more or any less Inhibitor than
of water in cylinders and crankcase. Lubrication failure
specified in current directives.
may follow sludge formation and lead to serious engine
damage. Burned fuel vapors also mix with water in the
c. Inhibitor for Water.
Corrosion protection is
crank case and form corrosive acids which attack engine
particularly important during warm-weather driving when
water is used as coolant, since there is more air in the
coolant and more rusting in the system. In very cold
d. Temperature Gage Observation
weather, control of coolant circulation by the thermostat
(1) To avoid overheating difficulties, the operator
may reduce flow into the radiator to only a few gallons per
must be constantly alert to see that the temperature gage
minute and very little air is driven into the coolant. In hot
does not exceed the maximum safe operating temperature
weather, with thermostat wide open, the flow Into the
specified for the vehicle. Whenever the gage registers
radiator at high engine speeds may increase to 100
above this temperature, the vehicle should be halted, the
gallons a minute or more in some engines. The resulting
engine stopped, and the cause investigated and corrected
increase in coolant aeration, together with a higher metal
before further operation is attempted. It is also important
and coolant temperature, greatly speeds up the rate of
to watch the gage for a sudden rise in temperature during
rusting (para 2-16b). Installation of inhibitor with water
engine warm-up as an indication of defective cooling.
coolant is a most essential preventive maintenance
(2) To prevent overcooling difficulties, keep any
necessary warm-up period before operation as short as
d. Rust Prevention vs Cleaning or Replacement.
possible, and avoid continued operation of the vehicle if
The time and effort required for adding Inhibitor to a filling
the temperature gage does not reach the minimum
of fresh water or for adding reinhibitor to reclaimed
operating temperature specified for the vehicle.
antifreeze solution is only a fraction of what is necessary
for cleaning a rusty system in which corrosion-prevention
(3) When checking for either overheating or
services have been neglected, or for replacing a clogged
overcooling, the possibility of a false temperature
or corroded radiator. However, if restriction of flow of
indication from a defective gage should not be overlooked.
inhibitor is suspected, then flo-tester (3, fig. 2-1) should be
utilized to determine amount of restriction.
(4) Prevention of both overheating and over cooling
difficulties thus requires temperature gage observations
Coolant Operating Temperature
both before and during operation. It also requires a
positive knowledge by the driver or engine operator, of the
a. General. Frequent observation of the engine
highest and lowest safe operating temperature specified
temperature gage during operation is a primary preventive
for the particular engine.
maintenance service for detecting overheating or
overcooling of the engine in the first stages, before serious
Coolant Examination
trouble develops.
Another most important cooling system preventive
b. Overheating difficulties. Excessively high engine
maintenance service is examination of the coolant for
temperatures not only cause "knock" and loss of power,
color and cleanliness, at least weekly. This can be
but also will result in damage to bearings and other moving
conveniently done during coolant level inspection by
parts. Cylinder heads and engine blocks are often warped
drawing a sample into a suitable hydrometer or antifreeze
and cracked by terrific strains set up in the overheated
tester In a system that was reasonably clean when the
metal, especially when coolant is added immediately
coolant was originally installed, the appearance of rust in
afterward without allowing the engine to cool. Overheating
the radiator or in the coolant.
first causes coolant boiling. If the vehicle is operated with
boiling coolant, steam pressure forces large quantities of
coolant out of the system through the radiator overflow
pipe. More violent boiling then occurs, and still more
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