![]() ing difficulties later.
Prompt attention to preventive
in amounts specified on cleaning compound container.
cleaning is the only sure way to avoid loss of equipment
Allow engine to continue running for 30 to 60 minutes.
use and extra work, time, tools, and materials required for
corrective cleaning of a rust-clogged system. Effective
(6) Stop engine and turn radiator cap to release
and safe preventive cleaning requires that only approved
pressure. As temperature rise can be expected at shut-
cleaning compounds be used, and that all service
down, coolant temperature should be allowed to drop
considerably below 200 F before draining and refilling with
operation specified in current directives be performed.
cold water to avoid cracking block and head, then remove
b. Cleaning Compound. The prescribed cleaning
the radiator cap and drain the system completely.
compound consists of the cleaner and neutralizer
compounds packed in separate containers within a single
package (para 2-22 (7)).
Do not hold air or water hose too close to radiator,
or use excessive pressure as damage to the
radiator core may result.
Do not under any circumstances mix cleaning
compound with antifreeze compound or corrosion
e. Normal Flushing
inhibitor compound. Never mix the water and
(1) With engine stopped and temperature of coolant
considerably below 200F, open all drain cocks and
cleaning compound before putting it into the
cooling system. Do not spill compound on skin,
remove engine block drain.
clothing, or painted portions of vehicle. If spilled,
flush with clean water immediately.
(2) Add clean water and, while so doing, start the
engine at fast idle (drains open) Flush, continually flooding
c. Engine Temperature During engine idling periods
cooling system with clean water, engine running for 25
required in cooling system cleaning processes, it is
important to cover the radiator and keep the cover
adjusted so that a temperature of 180 to 200F is
(3) Stop engine, close all pet cocks, install engine
maintained. The engine develops so little heat while
block drain, refill with clean water, maintaining level in
running without load that the thermostat valve remains
cooling system.
partially or fully closed. Covering the radiator opens the
valve quickly, but if the cover is removed, the valve will
close again, even though the temperature gage shows
If antifreeze compound is to be added after
little change. With flow to the radiator restricted by the
flushing the radiator, do not add Inhibitor, discard
thermostat valve, cleaning, inhibiting, and flushing are not
Inhibiting. Add inhibitor in amounts specified on
cleaning compound containers to filled radiator, start and
run engine at idle until temperature reaches over 180F,
Remove radiator cap(s) slowly to relieve pressure
and avoid injury to personnel.
but not above 200F.
d. Cleaning.
g. Pressure Flushing
(1) Drain system by opening drain cocks. Make
(1) To flush radiator (fig 2-20), proceed as follows:
certain temperature of coolant has dropped considerably
(a) Remove both upper and lower hoses connecting
below 200 F before draining and refilling with cold water
the radiator to engine block.
to avoid cracking block and head.
(b) Clamp convenient length hose to radiator core
outlet opening and attach another suitable length of hose
to radiator inlet opening to carry away flushing stream.
Check with the cooling system drain caution plate
(c) Connect the flushing gun to compressed air and
on the instrument panel for position of drains, if the
to water line and clamp the nozzle of gun in the hose
vehicle is equipped with such a plate.
attached to the radiator outlet opening (lower).
(2) If necessary, use a wire to keep open any drain
(d) With radiator cap on tight, fill core with water
hole which tends to become clogged.
Turn on compressed air in short blasts to prevent core
(3) Disconnect the radiator overflow return-tank, if
the vehicle is so equipped.
(e) Allow radiator to fill with water and again apply air
(4) Close the drain cocks, pour water slowly into the
pressure as before. Repeat this process until the water
radiator until the level is within two inches of overflow pipe.
comes out clear and then proceed as in f above.
(5) Replace radiator cap, cover radiator if necessary,
(f) Blow insects and dirt from radiator core air
start the engine, and run it at idling speed until
passages, using water to soften obstructions.
temperature reaches above 180 F but not above 200 F.
Then add cleaning components together into hot radiator
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