![]() tube junction. Continue soldering without stopping until
Removing and Replacing Tanks
the other end is reached.
a. General. After vat cleaning, if the Flo-Test shows
excessive water passage restrictions, vat clean again. If
continued vat cleaning will not remove flow restrictions, the
If tank-header seams are overheated, they must
top tank should be removed for rodding of tubes. To rod
be cleaned and resoldered.
the tubes, insert a flat steel cleaning rod through each
tube. When making certain types of repairs, it may be
b. After soldering, use air blow gun while radiator is
necessary to remove both tanks. The method used for
submerged in tank approximately one inch below water
removing the tank will vary in accordance with the type of
surface. This will quickly flush away the flux residue from
header and tank attachment.
the repaired area. The air blow gun will agitate the water
for a more complete flushing. Continue retesting until all
leaks are repaired.
Wear safety goggles, rubber shoes and apron
when blowing solder.
Resolder Header (Tank Removed)
a. If header has been removed for any reason and
Exercise extreme care to avoid flowing solder
tube ends are freshly tinned, care should be used when
inside header and tank. Excessive solder could
soldering tubes to header. The same applies when
block the tubes.
repairing damage to a new radiator.
b. If tubes are soldered with header in horizontal
b. Solder-on Tanks. These tanks are fitted to a
level position, solder may run through tube-header spaces
raised lip around the edge of the header. The rim of the
and plug tube openings.
tank is attached by fitting the tank rim either inside or
c. When running solder on new or freshly tinned
outside the raised header lip. To remove a tank from this
header, place header in vertical position (tubes horizontal)
type header requires removal of all solder from the lip
and run solder from "face" side, using similar procedure as
channel. The following procedure may be used for
detailed in this section. Figure 3-11 illustrates resoldering
removing and replacing the tank.
header with freshly tinned tubes and tank removed.
(1) Code-mark all components to be removed with a
Header is in vertical position.
scribe so that they will be replaced correctly. A sketch
may also be drawn of the core-tank-bracket assembly.
Remove all necessary brackets and anchorages.
(2) Apply heat to lip of header and when solder is
molten, blow away with air blow gun. Continue around the
lip until all solder is removed from lip channel.
(3) While tank and header are still hot, heat one side
of the header tank seam. Move torch alternately from one
end to the other. This requires more heat and increasing
torch flame for more heat distribution may be necessary.
A larger torch tip may be required.
(4) When entire side is heated, place a wire brush
handle or similar prying device inside one of the tank
opening necks. Carefully pry the side loose. A small
opening along the seam is all that is necessary. A slight
jiggling motion should be used with very little force. The
tank may be easily cracked when hot. The neck joint of
the opening may become loose or bent from too much
(5) When side seam is loosened, repeat the
procedure with other side and ends until tank is removed.
(6) Remove other tank, if required, in the same
manner and perform the necessary repairs.
(7) Before replacing tank, check both header. and
Figure 3-11. Resoldering header in vertical position (tank
tank for proper fit and alinement.
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