![]() TM 10-4110-262-13&P
0010 00
Table 1. Preventative Checks and Services - Continued.
Item to be
Equipment not
checked or
ready/available if:
(6) Inspect refrigerant lines for
Evidence of refrigerant oil on
damage or evidence of refrigerant
exterior surface. Notify direct
oil residue.
support maintenance.
(7) Check that the RU control panel
enclosure is securely attached to
the RU base plate and it is free of
cracks or other damage. Confirm
that the wire connecting the control
panel to the condenser section is in
good condition and securely
connected at both ends.
(8) Inspect the condensation drain
to ensure it is not blocked and there
is no visible damage. Inspect for
refrigerant oil residue. Inspect the
cargo restraint rail. Check for
corrosion. Inspect external tie-
The refrigerator does not
Before /
Start the RU in accordance with
enter the heating mode when
Work Package 000500. Note the
the setpoint is above the
interior temperature. Set the
interior temperature or cooling
setpoint to 32 F (If the interior
mode when setpoint is below
temperature is lower than 32 F, set
the setpoint at least 5 below the
the interior temperature. The
defrost mode does not start
interior temperature). Confirm that
when the manual defrost is
the unit operation indicator light
glows green (cooling mode). After
the interior temperature has
dropped below 36 F, start a
manual defrost cycle. Confirm that
the defrost indicator light is on. Set
the thermostat setpoint to
approximately 50 F. Confirm that
the unit operation indicator light
glows red (heating mode).
Check that the interior temperature
Temperature is not
is holding at the setpoint. Check
maintained, pathways are
that the air pathways are not
blocked or there is significant
blocked. Check accumulation of
frost accumulation.
frost on inside unit.
0010 00-3
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