TM 10-4110-262-13&P
0031 00
6. Stop the unit and observe the low side pressure for at least two minutes. The pressure should remain
below 10 in Hg of vacuum. If the pressure rises:
a. To zero and stops, this indicates a low side refrigerant leak to the atmosphere.
b. To above zero, either refrigerant is boiling out of the oil or there is an internal high side to low side
refrigerant leak.
7. Remove the jumper wire.
8. Reconnect the weather-tight connector.
9. Back-seat (open) the receiver tank outlet valve.
10. Replace the condenser cover and perform an PMCS procedures as described in WP 0010 00, Items
7 and 8.
System Compressor and Oil
Use these tests to check compressor oil level, oil condition, and oil pressure.
Check and Adjust Oil Level
1. If the temperature is below 36 F, initiate manual defrost cycle until defrost is terminated.
a. Press the manual defrost key.
b. The defrost cycle will continue until the evaporator coil temperature reaches 48 F (9 C).
After manual defrost cycle is completed, go to Step 3.
2. Compressor sight glass should be 1/4 to 3/4 full. If compressor sight glass is below 1/4 go to
Step 13.
3. Remove excess oil by performing a pump down procedure.
4. Install a manifold gauge assembly.
5. Run the unit in cooling mode for 10 or more minutes.
6. Front seat the receiver tank outlet valve.
7. Pump down to 0 psig.
8. Isolate the compressor by closing the suction and discharge service valves.
0031 00-4
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