TM 10-8145-222-23
20. Remove four screws (Figure 7, Item 1), lock washers (Figure 7, Item 23), washers (Figure 7, Item 3), and nuts
(Figure 7, Item 4) securing six butterfly clamps (Figure 7, Item 5) to refrigerant piping (Figure 7, Item 6) near
filter drier (Figure 7, Item 7). Retain clamps for reinstallation. Discard lock washers.
Soldering and desoldering procedures take place in a very tight surrounding. Make
sure a heat shield is used during solder and desolder procedures to protect wiring,
belts, and associated components nearby.
21. Desolder small upper refrigerant pipe (Figure 7, Item 8) at desolder location (Figure 7, Item 9).
22. Desolder 1 1/8-inch pipe (Figure 7, Item 10) from accumulator (Figure 7, Item 11) at elbow (Figure 7, Item 12).
23. Desolder elbow (Figure 7, Item 12) from 1 1/8-inch pipe (Figure 7, Item 13). Discard elbow if installing a new
refrigeration unit. Retain elbow for reinstallation if removing refrigeration unit to facilitate other maintenance.
24. Desolder small lower refrigerant pipe (Figure 7, Item 14) at desolder location (Figure 7, Item 15).
Figure 7. Refrigeration Lines.