TM 10-8145-222-23
1. Protect wiring harnesses and other components with appropriate heat shields.
All joints, except those provided with flare fittings, are made by brazing in accordance
with MIL-B-7883, except that radiographic examination is not required. Grade IV or VI
brazing alloy (50% silver) and Type-B flux, as specified in MIL-B-7883, must be used
for all copper to brass joints. Grade III (15% silver) brazing alloy may be substituted
for Grade IV or VI for copper to copper joints; flux is not required for copper to copper
2. If soldering a joint on a valve, disassemble valve to as much as possible and wrap all but joint with wet rag to
act as heat sink.
If interconnecting tubing was removed with a component, solder tubing to new
components before installation. Ensure orientation of tubing is correct.
3. Position component or assembly into place.
Never use a heating torch on any part that contains refrigerant. Heat may cause
refrigerant to decompose and release irritating, toxic, and corrosive gases. All
refrigerant must be removed and recovered from system and there must be adequate
ventilation before beginning any brazing operation.
4. Make sure system is being purged and apply sufficient heat uniformly around joint to quickly melt filler alloy.
8. Check suction pressure on gauge set.
If pressure is over 100 psi go to perform leak test.
If pressure is over 40 psi, go to step 6 of refrigerant charge less than 40 psi.
If pressure is below 40 psi, continue with step 1 of refrigerant charge less than 40 psi.
Refrigerant Charge Less Than 40 PSI
1. Connect service hose to R404A refrigerant tank.
2. Prepare refrigerant tank to deliver liquid refrigerant per instructions on tank.
3. Make sure all gauge set valves are closed.
4. Open refrigerant tank valve.