![]() TM 5-4110-204-13
Figure 3-8.Walk-in and conveyor doors, removal and installation.
3-29. Panel Clamp Assemblies
b. Repair. When the skin of the panels is cracked,
torn, or punctured, thereby exposing the insulation,
the refrigerator will not cool properly and must be
panel clamp assemblies.
repaired. Repair the panels as instructed below.
(1) Minor repairs.
panel clamp assemblies.
(a) Seal minor holes and punctures with
3-30. Refrigerator Panels
sealing compound conforming to specification
TT-S-230, Gum Grade, (8030-965-2397]
(b) Minor rips or tears will be repaired by use
the refrigerator panels.
of repair kit MIL-2-58047(CE) or MIL-R-19907C
(2090-372-6064) as follows:
It is only necessary to remove panels next
(c) Roughen metal area around damaged area
to the one being replaced. The roof panels
in order to remove paint and improve adherence
may be removed starting at either end.
properties of patching material on panel.
Wall disassembly may start at any corner.
Change 5 3-9
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