![]() further starting attention. In cold weather, it may be
necessary to hand choke the gasoline engine until it
Should the defrost termination control
attains operating temperature. f During the initial cooling
fall, the defrost timer contact will open
cycle when the operating temperature of the box is being
after 30 minutes
lowered to the correct temperature, the box door should
be kept closed and the box should not be loaded until the
The defrost relay is now de-energized and power is
operating temperature is constant.
switched from the hot gas solenoid to the liquid solenoid
and magnetic fan clutch through the time delay circuit.
Operation Under Usual Conditions.
The refrigerant now starts flowing through the
refrigeration cycle and the evaporator/condenser fans
start moving as the time delay circuit closes.
a. For normal operation of the unit, head pressure
d. Automatic defrosting occurs after 4 hours of the
on the refrigerating unit must not be so high as to trip the
unit operation. Manual defrosting can be activated by
high pressure cutout switch. Defrosting of the unit is
pushing the "MANUAL DEFROST" switch on the control
panel. Automatic defrost will resume after completion of
b. A defrost cycle is activated automatically at a
a manual defrosting cycle.
preset running time interval by the advancement of the
e. Defrost should take about 20 minutes. Inspect
defrost timer motor. When the timer contact is closed,
evaporator coil for frost removal after manual defrost is
the defrost relay is energized and switches the power
from liquid solenoid and magnetic fan clutch to the hot
gas solenoid. Hot gas starts to flow through the hot gas
Stopping the Equipment.
coil and defrost occurs.
c. Defrosting continues until the defrost
termination control opens on temperature rise of the
a. Move the ON-OFF switch to the OFF position
evaporator coil.
to stop the refrigeration unit (fig. 2-3).
b. Perform the daily preventive maintenance
services (para 3-6).
c. Inspect condenser frequently. Dirt or dust
Operation in Extreme Cold (Below 0F).
accumulating on condenser tubes or fins causes
a. Keep batteries fully charged.
increased discharge pressure. If tubes and fins are
b. Keep fuel tank full at all times.
coated, clean with brush, clean cloth, or compressed air.
c. Drain and service the fuel filter (para. 3-25).
d. Keep covers on all controls and wiring.
d. Lubricate in accordance with the current
e. Check engine oil frequently for cleanliness.
lubrication chart.
f. Check air filter frequently for cleanliness.
Operation in Extreme Heat.
a. Lubricate engine in accordance with current
lubrication chart.
b. If carburetor floods when attempting to start
a. Inspect evaporator coil frequently. In humid
engine, open throttle wide, open choke and turn engine
areas the evaporator coil rapidly collects frost. Any
crankshaft over several times, If vapor lock is evident, do
steady drop in the compound pressure gage reading
not attempt to start engine for 15 minutes.
generally indicates that the evaporator needs defrosting.
c. Check dial thermometer on refrigeration unit
b. Read dial thermometer frequently to check
frequently to ascertain proper operation of the unit.
proper operation of the unit.
d. Increase frequency of periodic inspection and
c. Increase frequency of periodic Inspections and
maintenance operations.
maintenance operations.
d. Check engine oil level frequently.
e. High moisture content in the air will cause
Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas.
difficulty in the electrical system. The spark plug,
magneto, and wiring may become unserviceable
a. Clean refrigeration unit frequently.
b. Remove dirt or dust that accumulates on the
condenser or evaporator fans and housings.
Change 3 2-7
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