![]() TM 5-4110-217-14
2-6. Dismantling for Movement.
2-9. The purpose of the controls and instruments
a. Limited Movement.
For moving a short
and the normal and maximum reading of the
distance, involving limited handling, it is necessary only to
instruments are as follows:
detach the unit from the refrigerator, and use forklift
equipment to place the unit on a transport vehicle.
b. Extensive Movement. Pump down refrigerant
and close all refrigerant valves. Detach the unit from the
mounted on the rear of the control panel. It is in the main
refrigerator. Seal all openings in the cabinet with barrier
control circuit of the refrigeration unit and automatically
material and sealing tape. Cover entire unit with barrier
starts and stops unit to maintain the desired temperature
material. Repack the unit in its original shipping crate,
in the box. A two conductor wire extends from the body
using the reverse of paragraph 2-2, Unpacking the
of the thermostat to a temperature-responsive bulb
Equipment. Use forklift equipment to place the unit in a
attached to evaporator guard grille. When the unit switch
transport vehicle.
is closed, current flows through the high-pressure cutout
and starter solenoid to start the engine. When the box is
2-7. Reinstallation After Movement.
cooled to the preset temperature, the points in the
thermostat open and the electrical circuit to the engine
Refer to paragraph 2-5, Installation or Setting Up
magneto is grounded stopping the engine.
(2) Operation.
The differential (difference
between cut-in and cut-out points) is set at approximately
2-8. Controls and Instruments.
30F. For example, if the thermostat is to maintain 350F,
the unit will stop when the box reaches 35F, and will
This section describes, locates, illustrates and
start again when the temperature rises to 380F. To set
furnishes the operator, crew or organizational
the thermostat to the temperature desired in the box, use
maintenance personnel sufficient information about the
the adjusting knob on the front of the control panel. Turn
various controls and instruments for proper operation of
the refrigeration unit.
Figure 2-3. Control Panel, Front
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