![]() TM 5-4110-217-14
bars and is supported by a skid base. First remove the
crate top, then the four side panels. Remove the four
Battery acid pack must be used to fill lead acid storage
bolts securing the uprights to the unit.
Refer to
battery before attempting to start refrigeration unit gas
2-5. Installation or Setting Up Instructions.
a. Location The refrigeration unit must be mounted
2-3. Inspecting and Servicing Equipment
securely in the refrigerator wall. The evaporator air outlet
a. Inspection
and return must not be restricted by anything inside the
(1) Visually inspect the unit for physical damage.
refrigerator. The condenser must not be restricted by
Make certain all publications and over- pack kit parts are
any type of covers. Adequate space should be provided
on unit and In good condition
at the front and sides of the unit for opening the doors in
(2) Open all doors and inspect for missing or
service or maintenance procedures.
damaged parts Report all discrepancies to the proper
b. Outdoor Installation. Installation consists of
positioning the unit In the refrigerator wall an' securing
(3) Check engine and compressor for oil leakage.
the unit with four mounting studs on the unit and four
Report any leakage to the proper authority
angles (fig 2-2). Tighten unit to maximum limit of gasket
(4) Check operation of valves, controls and gages
compression provided by wood limit strips.
(5) Use a halide torch over the entire unit to
c. Indoor Installation Same as outdoor.
inspect for refrigerant leakage.
Servicing Refer to para 3-7 for operator preventive
maintenance services
Do not operate the gasoline engine
(1) Lubricate the refrigeration unit in accordance
powered refrigeration unit in an
with the current lubrication chart.
enclosed area unless the exhaust
(2) Lift the gasoline filler cap on the gasoline filler
gases are piped to the outside.
bracket Fill tank with 16 gallons of non- leaded or
Inhalation of exhaust fumes will
regular grade gasoline which conforms to Military
result in serious illness or death.
specifications MIL-G-3056 or MIL-F-S572
Do not operate engine on gasoline with
an octane rating below 74 (research
method). Fuel with a lower octane rating
will cause detonation. and if operation is
continued under this condition, severe
damage will result cylinder and piston will
be scored, head gasket blown out,
bearings will be damaged, etc
(3) Remove oil level gage from engine crankcase
Fill crankcase with 3 quarts engine oil in accordance
with current lubrication chart
(4) Check and service engine carburetor air
cleaner. Remove wing nut attaching air cleaner to air
cleaner bracket assembly. Remove air cleaner cover
and filtering element Fill air cleaner bowl to oil level line
in accordance with current lubrication chart. Install filter
element and cover and secure with wing nut.
2-4. Installation of Separately Packed Components.
Use electrolyte with a specific gravity of
1280. Do not use tropical electrolyte,
Figure 2-2. Installation Diagram
which will reduce battery reserve
Change 4 2-2
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