![]() TM 5-4110-217-14
each cable, wire and terminal.
(3) Remove screw (1) and lockwasher (2)
Remove carbon pile immediately after
from alternator (10).
engine is stopped to avoid discharging
(4) Remove nut (4) and adjusting bracket (3).
battery when alternator Is not operating
(5) Swing up alternator and detach bolt (9).
The alternator system Is functioning
(6) Remove screw (5), lockwasher (6) and nut
properly if the output current is 25
(7) to release alternator (10) from unit.
amperes at alternator temperature of
(7) If alternator is to be replaced, remove nut
(14), lockwasher (15) and pulley (13).
g. Cleaning and Inspection.
(7) If the current output is below normal and
(1) Clean alternator with a clean lint-free
the output terminal voltage exceeds 13 volts, replace
alternator and/or regulator or refer to direct sup- port unit
(2) Inspect alternator for dents, cracks, chips
for further testing.
or other damage. Replace if defective or refer to direct
(8) If output is below the minimum rated or
support unit for repairs.
the output terminal voltage is below 12 volts, proceed to
h. Installation.
"Alternator Test".
(1) Install pulley (13) on alternator (10) using
e. Alternator Test. This test excludes the
nut (14) and lockwasher (15).
regulator from the alternator system, thereby isolating the
(2) Place alternator in unit as in original
problem to either the regulator or alternator.
configuration and secure with screw (5), lockwasher (6)
(1) With engine off, connect carbon pile load
and nut (7).
across battery (carbon pile in "OFF" position) and place
(3) Place alternator drive belt (9) on pulley.
0-5 ampere meter in series with output terminal and ( + )
(4) Assemble
battery (positive meter to positive battery).
mounting bracket (8) with nut (4).
(2) Remove regulator screws. Place a folded
(5) Fasten adjusting bracket (3) to alternator
wiping cloth over the isolation diode to prevent the
(10) with screw (1) and lockwasher (2). Adjust belt to
regulator body from touching the sink on the output
proper tension before tightening (para 3-13B; figure 3-6).
terminal stud.
(6) Connect cable from alternator voltage
(3) Disconnect regulator field wire from brush
regulator and all other wires as in original configuration.
(4) Connect field rheostat with knob set to
maximum resistance, between the positive output
Voltage Regulator.
terminal and the brush terminal.
The voltage regulator (fig. 3-19) is an all-electronic,
(5) Connect voltmeter between the brush
transistorized device. No mechanical contacts or relays
terminal ()and the negative output terminal of alternator.
are used to perform the voltage regulation of the
alternator system. The electronic circuitry should never
(6) Slowly reduce resistance of rheostat. If
require adjustment and the solid state active elements
rheostat resistance can be fully eliminated with the test
used have proved reliable enough to warrant a sealed
ammeter indicating 3.0 amperes or less, the rotor (field)
unit. The system is temperature compensated to permit
circuit is correct.
the ideal charging rate at all temperature.
(7) With rheostat eliminated, note reading on
a. Test. The regulator should be checked with an
alternator that is functioning properly (para 3-46).
load to the battery until voltmeter indicates reference
(1) Connect a 60 amp ammeter and a carbon
voltage of 10.0 volts. The field current should be 1.95-
2.55 amperes at 70-80F.
pile load per paragraph 3-46, 1; 2; and 3.
(2) Connect a DC voltmeter (16 volt range)
(8) A slight variation in current may be noted
with an accuracy of 0.1 volts to output terminal and
if the rotor is moved during test, indicating slip rings and
negative ( - ) battery terminal.
brushes require cleaning.
(3) Start engine, increase load with carbon
(9) Return cabon pile to "OFF" immediately
pile, if necessary, to obtain 10 amperes to output current.
after test to avoid discharging battery.
Operate for 15 minutes to stabilize temperature.
(10) Reconnect regulator and field wire.
(4) Output terminal voltage must be 14.4 0.4
Removal (fig. 3-19).
volt at regulator ambient temperature of 75 5F.
(1) Disconnect negative (-) battery cable (5,
Measure ambient temperature of regulator by placing a
(2) Disconnect cable from alternator to
reliable thermometer 1 inch away from regulator case.
voltage regulator and all other wires. Carefully label
Change 1 3-27
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