Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
a. DA Forms and procedures used for equip-
a. This manual is published for the use of per-
ment maintenance will be only those prescribed by
sonnel to whom Military Models CE20VAL4 and
CE20VAL6 air conditioners are issued. Informa-
TM 38-750.
tion is provided on operation, preventive mainten-
b. The reporting of errors, omissions, and rec-
ance services, destruction, and organizational,
ommendations for improving this publication by
direct. and general support maintenance of equip-
ment, accessories, components, and attachments.
the individual user is encouraged. Reports should
Also included are descriptions of main units and
be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
their relationship to other components.
Changes to Publications) and forwarded direct to
the Commanding General, U.S. Army Mobility
b. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations indi-
Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MPP,
cate quantity. Numbers preceding nomenclature
B o u l e v a r d , St.
callouts on illustrations indicate the preferred
MO. 63120.
maintenance sequence.
rator coil, evaporator fan, air conditioning filter,
1-3. Description
intake and discharge grilles, evaporator coil drain
pan, expansion valves, electrical heaters, sight
1-2) is used primarily in van type enclosures for
glass, and a damper to regulate the amount of
providing filtered, conditioned, or heated air as re-
outdoor air entering the air conditioner.
quired to maintain service conditions necessary
for the efficient operation of electronic equipment
and for the comfort of operating personnel housed
a. Identification. The air conditioners have
within the vans. It is a completely self-contained,
air cooled, electric motor driven unit designed for
eleven major identification and instruction plates.
continuous operation with varying loads. It is
Information contained on these plates is listed
equipped with internal ducting to the low side of
the evaporator fan so that ventilation air from the
(1) Air conditioner (Model CE20VAL4)
chemical and biological filter unit may be supplied
(a) Corps of Engineers plate A. Located
by the evaporator fan.
near top of back panel. Specifies nomenclature,
b. Condensing Section. The condensing section,
manufacturer, model number, serial number, di-
located at the bottom of the unit, contains the her-
mensions, weight and capacity
metically sealed compressors, condensing coil, con-
(b) Manufacturer's identification plate. Lo-
denser air intake opening, condenser air discharge
cated on rear panel just below sight glass. Speci-
opening, control panel, control box, thermostatic
fies model number and serial number of the unit.
switch, power receptacle connector, condenser fan,
(c) Compressor identification plates. Lo-
blower motor, dehydrator, suction and discharge
cated on front of compressor housing. Specifies
valves, and solenoid valves.
compressor model number, part number, serial
c. Evaporator Section. The evaporator section,
number, refrigerant, oil type and capacity, manu-
located in the top of the unit, contains an evapo-
facturer, and complete electrical data.
AGO 20053A
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