Section I. GENERAL
(4) The blower motor starts when the se-
5-1. General
lector switch is placed in the VENTILATE posi-
The air conditioner, after it is started, is auto-
matic in operation. The relationship of the auto-
(5) In the COOL position, the blower motor
matic components, controls, and instruments, is
is in operation and the compressor motor con-
explained in the operation analysis for mainte-
tactor is energized through the contacts of the
nance of the air conditioner (para 52 ). A refrig-
thermostatic switch. The energized contactor sup-
erant flow diagram (fig. 5-1) and practical
plies power to the compressor through the nor-
wiring diagrams (fig. 1-4) are included to assist
mally closed contacts of the circuit breaker and
in the maintenance of the electrical components,
the compressor overload protector. After the
wiring harness, wire leads, and refrigerant com-
blower motor and compressor have started, the
flow within the refrigerant circuit is controlled by
the temperature control. Sensing a rise in the air
Warning: Disconnect the air conditioner from
temperature above the set point, the temperature
the power source before performing any mainte-
control opens its contacts, deenergizing the sole-
nance on the components of the unit.
noid valves. This positions the valves for cooling
service, Sensing a fall in the air temperature
below the set point, the contacts of the tempera-
ture control close, energizing the valves. This posi-
a. General. The type and degree of air cond-
tions the valves for bypass service.
tioning provided by the unit is controlled by a
five-position selector switch and a temperature
b. Cooling Cycle of Operation. The blower motor
control (temperature control thermostat).
and compressor run continuously, whether the
temperature control is calling for cooling or not,
(1) On units with Whirlpool compressors
when the unit is adjusted to operate on the cooling
when the selector switch is in the OFF position
cycle of operation. This feature provides a con-
the entire circuit is dead. On units with the Ben-
stant electrical load thus preventing voltage fluc-
dix-Westinghouse compressors the crankcase
tuations within the system.
heater is in constant operation, being cycled on
c. Bypass Cycle of Operation. When the condi-
and off as required by its thermostat.
tioned air temperature falls below the tempera-
(2) Placing the selector switch in the HI-
ture control setting, the circuit which controls the
HEAT position actuates the blower motor with
solenoid valves is energized causing:
the two banks of evaporator heaters being under
(1) The liquid line solenoid valve (V2) to
the control of the temperature control. If the air
close, stopping the flow of refrigerant to the evap-
temperature falls below the set point of the tem-
orator coil, thus stopping the cooling function
perature control, the control contacts close, ener-
gizing the evaporator contactor which supplies
(2) The hot gas bypass line solenoid valve
power to the heaters through the normally closed
(V3) to open, bypassing a major part of the com-
contacts of the evaporator heater thermostat.
pressed refrigerant vapor directly back to the suc-
tion side of the compressor.
(3) Moving the selector switch to the LO-
HEAT position presents the same control se-
(3) The liquid line bypass solenoid valve
quence but reduces the heating capacity of the
(V1) to open, bypassing a small amount of liquid
refrigerant, through an expansion valve, into the
unit by supplying power to a single bank of
heaters only.
suction tubing.
AOO 20053A
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