![]() TM 5-4120-273-15
tions it may become desirable to utilize the block-
off plate with an electrical receptacle, and use a
a. Remove any blocking or tie downs that may
remote control box.
have been used to secure the item to carrier. The
air conditioner is shipped in a wood carton, the
b. Sound Attenuator. The sound attenuator
base of which is raised to provide for insertion of
will provide a sound dampening effect and is
tongs of a forklift.
mounted on the front of the air conditioner (fig.
12). The sound attenuator replaces the air intake
b. Use a forklift or other suitable lifting device
and discharge grilles and air is taken in and dis-
to remove unit from carrier. If necessary, the unit
charged through the attenuator baffles. Air is
may be unloaded manually.
taken in through the bottom and discharged
Caution: Use care in handling to avoid
through the top of the attenuator. Refer to figure
damaging the air conditioner.
1-2, and install the sound attenuator as follows:
(1) Remove the intake and discharge grilles
a. General. Move air conditioner to installation
site before removing shipping container. Cut the
(2) Place the sound attenuator in position on
metal bands and remove top, end, and sides of car-
the front of the unit by alining the grille mount-
ton, and the Kimpak covering. Remove bolts se-
ing holes with the attenuator mounting holes.
curing base of unit to carton, and lift unit from
Note. Make sure that the notched edge of the
attenuator frame matches the damper door control chain
b. Depreservation. Prior to placing unit in op-
eration, accomplish depreservation in accordance
(3) Install the mounting bolts.
with instructions outlined in DA Form 2558 (De-
preservation Guide of Engineer Equipment). DA
(4) Store the grilles so as to avoid possible
Form 2258 is attached to or near the operational
Caution: The use of the sound attenuator
may result in reduced capacity.
a. Perform daily preventive maintenance serv-
ice (para 3-6).
b. Perform quarterly preventive maintenance
a. General. Set air conditioner in a level posi-
service (para 3-7).
tion to allow proper condensate draining (opera-
c. Inspect entire air conditioner for signs of
tion will be satisfactory with unit sitting at a
damage, paying particular attention to evaporator
slight angle (5 degrees maximum) and using one
and condenser coils.
of the alternate drain connections).
d. The air conditioner contains a full operating
charge of refrigerant and compressor oil. No
b. Locating the Unit. The front access panel
further service is required.
and discharge and intake grilles are removable for
normal service and maintenance, and must always
be unobstructed to allow sufficient air for con-
densing purposes. The discharge and intake open-
ings at front of unit should be free from obstruc-
a. General. The air conditioner is basically a
tion to permit maximum unit capacity.
self-contained unit, however, in certain installa-
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