![]() (3) FSN 4120-926-4113.
Manufacturer ---------------------- Columbia Specialty Co.
--------------------------- CAS-9000
Serial number range ---------------6001 thru 6326
FSN 4120-992-7055.
Manufacturer --------------------- Redmanson
Model ----------------------------- A-9000
Serial number range --------------- N/A
(5) Capacities.
Refrigerant, R-12 -----------------46 ounces
(6) Dimensions and Weight.
Length ----------------------------
27 5/8 inches
Width ----------------------------
26 1/2 inches
Height ---------------------------
15 5/8 incheS
Wieght ------------------------------
175 pounds
(7) Operating Pressures.
Suction pressure ------------------ 50 pounds
Discharge pressure ---------------- 230 pounds
(8) Wiring Diagram (See figure 6).
5. Difference in Models
This manual covers four manufacturers B.t.u. air conditioner (listed in paragraphs 4b(1)
through (4). Model HAC-750H, serial number range 10,000 through 10,600 has the following changes in-
a. Condensate drain holes incorporated.
d. Strainer/Dehydrator (Air Drier) changed from vertical position to horizontal position on drain pan floor.
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