![]() 13. Controls and Instruments
The purpose of the controls are illustrated in Figure 1.
14. General
a. The insructions in this section are for the information and
guidance of the personnel responsible for the operation of the air
b. The operator must know how to perform every operation of which
the air conditioner is capable. This section give instructions on
starting and stopping the air conditioner, selecting temperatures, and
operating under vaious conditions.
15. Starting
Preparation for Starting
(1) Perform the necessary daily preventative maintenanoe (para
(2) Be sure the air inlet and outlets on both the condenser and
evaporator side are free from obstructions.
(3) Connect the cap end of the power cord into the unit first
(4) Set the thermostat control switch (fig. 1) either cooler or
warmer as desired. This must be experienced by the operator since
there are no temperature markings on the panel.
(1) Place the Selector Switch (fig. 1) in the FAN position to
start the fans.
(2) Place the selector switch in the COOL position. When the
temperature in the compartment is above that of the thermosat setting,
the unit will operate.
If the unit does not operate, check the voltage supply or
other reasons for failure to operate (para 33).
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