Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
list of basic issue items authorized the operator
a. This manual is published for the use of per-
of this equipment. Appendix C contains the main-
sonnel to who the Military Models
tenance allocation chart. The organizational, di-
MAC6V20-4920-05 (hereinafter designated as
rect support, general support, and depot mainte-
6V20) and the MAC4V20-4950-03 (hereinafter
nance repair parts and special tools are listed and
designated as 4V20) are issued. Chapters 1
illustrated in TM 5412028525P.
through 3 provide information on installation,
c. Reports of errors, omissions, and recommen-
operation, preventive maintenance, and opera-
dations for improving this publication by the in-
tor's and organizational maintenance of the
dividual user is encouraged. Reports should be
equipment, accessories, components, and attach-
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended
ments. Chapter 4 provides information on ship-
Changes to DA Publications) and forwarded di-
ment, and limited storage, and demolition of the
rect to Commanding General, U.S. Army Mobility
equipment. Chapters 5 and 6 provide instructions
Equipment Command, A T T N , AMSME-MPP,
for direct support, general support, and depot
4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
maintenance. Also included are descriptions of
1-2. Forms and Records
main units and their relationship to other compo-
DA Forms and procedures used for equipment
b. Appendix A contains a list of publications
maintenance will be only those prescribed in TM
applicable to this manual. Appendix B contains a
38750 (Army Equipment Record Procedures).
1-3. Description
c. Evaporator Section. The evaporator section,
located in the upper compartment, contains an
a. General. The air conditioners (fig. 11 and
evaporator coil, evaporator coil drain pan, expan-
12) are used primarily in van type enclosures
sion valves, evaporator heaters, and the sight
for providing filtered, conditioned, or heated air
as required to maintain the service conditions
necessary for the efficient operation of electronic
equipment and the comfort of operating person-
a. Identification.
nel housed within the specified vans. The units
(1) Manufacturers identification plate. Lo-
are completely self-contained, air cooled, electric
cated on the upper rear panel. Specifies the model
motor driven and designed for continuous opera-
number, serial number, and the manufacturer.
t i o n under varying loads. These units are
(2) Compressor identification plate. Located
equipped with internal ducting to the low side of
on the front of the compressor housing. Specifies
the evaporator fan so that ventilation air from a
the compressor model number, part number, re-
chemical-biological filter may be supplied by the
frigerant oil type, capacity, electrical data, and
fan. The units furnish 12,000 BTUH for heating
and 18,000 BTUH for cooling.
(3) DA identification plate. Located on the
upper rear panel. Specifies the nomenclature,
cated in the lower compartments, contains the
model number, part number, and manufacturer.
hermetically sealed compressor, condenser coil,
control panel and box, thermostatic switch,
(4) Blower motor identifi.cation plate. Lo-
cated on top of the blower motor housing. Speci-
blower motor, and service valves.
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