![]() (e) Selector switch.
Manufacturer____________Aalco Valve Co.
Manufacturer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Cutler-Hammer Co.
Model No_____________TLX200HW100
T y p e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Manual rotary
Type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A n g l e
Part No._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 8912K216
Inlet___________________ in. od (outside diameter)
Posiions available _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5
Outlet __________________3/8 in. od
Rating _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 amperes/250 VAC (volts,
S e t t i n g__________10 F. Superheat
alternating current)
C a p a c i t y ___________2.1 tons
(n) Thermo expansion valve bypass).
(f) Outside air thermostat.
Manufacturer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Stevens Mfg. Co. Inc.
Manufacturer __________Aalco Valve Co.
Part No._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _NPT25SPDT
Model No.______________TCL200HW100
Rating_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _208 VAC (pilot duty, 20
I n l e t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1/4 in. od
Operation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Contractors open at tempera-
outlet__________________2/8 in. od
ture decrease (50 F.)
Setting______________ 10 F. Superheat
Differential _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 F.
Capacity_______________ 1/2 ton
(o) Liquid line sight glass.
(g) Heater thermostat.
Manufacturer___________Sporlan Co.Part No. ____________
Manufacturer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Metals and Controls Inc.
Part No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MWA 1256
Type_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Klixon automatic reset
Manufacturer____________Penn Control Co.
Rating _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 208 volts
Model No.______________210AP40N
Cycle_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _60/400
Cutout point________445 10 psi
(q) Capacities.
Manual reset___________400 psi
Open__________________90 C. (centigrade)
Compressor crankcase ____20 .5 oz. (ounces)
(h) Electric heaters.
Manufacturer_____________________ Trane Co
Type_______________________ Stainless steel sheath
Voltage _________________120 VAC
Watts___________________.600 each
to figure 1-5and 6
No. per unit__________6
conditioners. Differences between models are in
(i) Pressure relief valve.
the blower motors, compressors, and control cir-
cuits. Where differences exist, each model is cov-
Part No________________3001 x 4
ered separately in the C 0 8 3 S
applicable section of this
Setting__________________ 540 PSI (pounds per square
publication. The Model 4V20 has a 400 cycle
(j) Back pressure requlating valve.
Manufacturer______________Controls Co. of America
a 50/60manual covers Models 4V20 Both models
This cycle motor and compressor.
are equipped with Whirlpool compressors and
Part No________________70237-142
Welco motors and phase sequence relays.
Setting_________________58 PSI
(k) Service valves.
Manufacturer ___________Superior Co.
Type ___________________Diaphragm, packless
(l) Solenoid valves.
Voltage__________________ 187 VDC
No. per unit._____________3
Located in back of manual
Rert g acantPractical ___Spo lbn
(m)r ufeNo________________5939X4Rating _________________600
PafniThermocharge______3.5rdiagram (Model 4V20).
Manufacturer___________Superior Co.Type___________________ PSI
Figure 1-3.rerexpansion valvea (evapora-
r tu _____ _wiring l (R-22)
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