3-11. General
3-12. Compressor Inoperative
Organizational m a i n t e n a n c e troubles may
Expedient remedy
occur while the air conditioner is operating in the
Compressor overload pro- Bypass the protector by instal-
ling two insulated jumper
tector malfuntioning
field where supplies and repair parts are not
wires between the connec-
available and normal corrective action cannot be
tion terminals on the com-
performed. When this condition exists, the fol-
lowing expedient repairs may be used in emer-
313. Control Circuit Inoperative
gencies, upon decision of the unit commander.
Expedient remedy
Equipment so repaired must be removed from
Fuse blown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remove the front access panel,
service as soon as possible and properly repaired
control box cover, and fuse.
before being put into service again.
Install jumper wire and by-
pass fuse.
3-14. General
(2) Refer to figure 3-4 and remove the air
conditioning filter.
The air conditioner is constructed with remov-
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
able aluminum panels and grills. The front access
(1) Clean the air conditioning filter thor-
panel (fig. 1-1) provides access to the control
oughly (para 3-6).
panel, the control box, and service valves. A dis-
(2) Inspect filter for damage, replace dam-
charge grill protects the evaporator coil and con-
aged filter.
trols the discharge of conditioned air. The intake
(3) Dip or spray filter with MIL-L-2104 oil,
grill protects the air conditioning filter and regu-
grade OE-10 or OE20. Drain excess oil from
lates the amount of air intake. The condenser coil
grill (fig. 1-2) protects the condenser coil. A fan
c. Installation. Install the air conditioning
guard (fig. 3-5) is mounted on the rear to protect
filter by reversing the order of removal.
operating personnel from the condenser fan. The
fresh air inlet screen permits the entry of outside
air, which is controlled by a damper door control
Grill and Screen
a. Refer to figure 3-5 and remove the C/B
installation of a chemical/biological filter when
cover, fan guard, condenser coil grill and screen.
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean C/B cover and grill with an ap-
proved solvent.
(2) Clean fan guard and screen with com-
cover panel, grills, or front access panel as re-
pressed air. Brush as required.
(3) Inspect components for damage, repair
b. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
minor damage and replace a severly damaged
(1) Clean panels and grills with an approved
solvent and dry thoroughly.
c. Installation. Install the C/B cover, fan
(2) Inspect panels and grills for damage. In-
guard, condenser coil grill, and screen by revers-
spect gaskets for wear or damage.
ing the order of removal.
(3) Minor dents may be hammered out by
3-18. Evaporator Fan and Inlet Ring
placing a flat board or similar object over dent
a n d hammering on board. Louvers may be
design to reduce excess noise and vibration.
straightened with standard pliers. Replace sev-
b. Removal.
erly damaged components.
(1) Remove the air intake grill (para 3-15).
c. Installation. Install the panels and grills by
(2) Refer to figure 36 and remove the eva-
reversing the order of removal.
porator fan and inlet ring.
3-16. Air Conditioning Filter
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
a. Removal.
(1) Clean the fan and intake ring with an
(1) Remove the air intake grill (para 3-15).
approved solvent.
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