![]() removal and installation.
b. Removal.
c. Installation. Install the electric heater ther-
(1) Remove the top cover of unit (para
mostat by reversing the order of removal.
(2) Refer to figure 5-2 and remove the elec-
a. General. The two banks of electrical resist-
tric heater elements.
ance heaters are mounted directly behind the eva-
c. Installation. Install the electric heater ele-
porator coil. These heaters provide the heat
ments be reversing the order of removal.
called for by the temperature control to maintain
the desired heat. The two banks of heaters prov-
ide two ranges of heating and are manually con-
a. General. The back pressure regulating valve
trolled by the selector switch.
controls the refrigerant pressure in the evapora-
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