B-1. Scope
description of the item required. The abbrevia-
tion "w/e", when used as a part of the nomencla-
This appendix lists items which accompany the
ture, indicates the Federal stock number includes
air conditioner or are required for installation,
operation, or operator's maintenance.
all armament, equipment, accessories, and repair
parts issued with the item. A part number or
B-2. General
other reference number is preceded by the applic-
This Basic- Issue Items List is divided into the
able five-digit Federal supply code for manufac-
turers in parenthesis. The physical security cals-
following sections:
sification of the item is indicated by the paren-
a. Basic Issue Items--Section II. A list of items
thetical entry. Repair parts quantities included in
which accompany the air conditioner and are re-
kits, sets, and assemblies are shown in front of
quired by the operator/crew for installation, op-
the repair part name.
eration, or maintenance.
d. Unit of Measure (u/m,), Column (4). A 2
b. Maintenance and Operating Supplies--Sec-
character alphabetic abbreviation indicating the
tion III. Not applicable.
amount or quantity of the item upon which the
B-3. Explanation of Columns
allowances are based, e.g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
The following provides an explanation of col-
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column (5).
This column indicates the quantity of the item
umns in the tabular list of Basic Issue Items, Sec-
used in the functional group or the assembly
tion II.
group. A "V" appearing in this column in lieu of
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
a quantity indicates that a definite quantity can-
Codes (SMR), Column (1)).
not be indicated (e.g., shims, spacers, etc).
(1) Source code, indicates the selection sta-
tus and source for the listed item. Source code is:
f. Quantity Furnished With Equipment, Col-
umn (6). This column indicates the quantity of
an item furnished with the equipment.
Applied to repair parts which are stocked in or
g. Illustration, Column (7). This column is di-
supplied from GSA/DSA or Army supply sys-
vided as follows:
tem, and authorized for use at indicated main-
tenance categories.
(1) Figure Number, Column (7) (a). Indi-
cates the figure number of the illustration in
(2) Maintenance code, indicates the lowest
which the item is shown.
category of maintenance authorized to install the
(2) Item Number, Column (7) (b). Indicates
listed item. The maintenance level code is:
the callout number used to reference the item in
the illustration.
(3) Recoverability code, indicates whether
B-4. Abbreviations
unserviceable items should be returned for recov-
Not applicable.
ery or salvage. Items not coded are expendable.
b. Federal Stock Number, Column (2). This
column indicates the Federal stock number as-
B-5. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
signed to the item and will be used for requisi-
tioning purposes.
96903_ _ _ _ _Military Standard
97403_ _ _ _ _ _ _Engineering Research and Development
c. Description, Column (9). This column indi-
Laboratories, Fort Belvoir, Va.
cates the Federal item name and any additional
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