![]() the unit and one of the cover plates at the side of the
c. Installing Unit. Bolt unit to the floor or other
unit. Be sure to attach the cover plate over the
flat surface. Refer to base plan (fig. 1-4) for
unused location at the rear of the unit to prevent air
dimensions. Connect drain hose (not less than 2
from being drawn through the opening.
feet long and not greater then 5/16 inch ID) to
e. Remote Control.
d r a i n connections at the bottom of the unit to lead
The control panel may be
(1) General.
c o n d e n s a t e away from unit. Utilize as many of the
r e m o v e d from the unit and used as a remote control
four drain connections as possible to obtain op-
for operation of the air conditioner. The remote
timum drainage. The two side drain connections
control connection and blockoff plate provided
are superior in perform ante to the front and rear
must be used when the control panel is used as a
connections. The rear drain provides the poorest
remote control.
s e r v i c e of the four possible connections and should
(2) R e m o t e c o n t r o l c o n n e c t i o n .
be used as a single drain only if none of the
remaining three connections are accessible in the
(a) D i s c o n n e c t p o w e r s o u r c e f r o m u n i t .
mounting location utilized. Remove the desired
(b) Remove front access panel and intake
d r a i n plug(s) and install the drain hose(s). Support
air grille. Disconnect the electrical connector from
the control panel. Remove the air filter and
unit at top using unit mounting receptacle (fig. 1-
thermostat remote bulb from its retaining clamp.
d. Power Source.
Push the bulb through the grommet at the bottom
(1) A i r c o n d i t i o n e r . O p e r a t e s o n 1 1 5 v o l t , 5 0
of the bulkhead in the return air compartment.
o r 60 Hertz, 1 phase power using the mating power
(c) R e m o v e f o u r m o u n t i n g s c r e w s a n d
plug provided.
remove control panel. Remove the cover (fig. 2-1)
(2) Power receptacle connector. A receptacle is
in the blockoff plate. Install electrical receptacle in
l o c a t e d at the rear of the unit above the condenser
hole in the blockoff plate.
coil air inlet. Connect the proper electrical power
( d ) As an alternate to ( C ) a b o v e . R e m o v e
supply source to this receptacle using the mating
four mounting screws and remove control panel.
plug furnished (MS3106R-20-4SX). Alternate
Remove the cover in thru-bulkhead of return air
electrical power connection locations are provided
compartment. Install electrical receptacle in hole in
a t both sides of the unit. Any location may be used
t h r u - b u l k h e a d . Refer to figure 2-2 for this alternate
b y interchanging the power receptacle at the rear of
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