![]() ( 1 ) Open the fresh air damper door. Intake air
grille should be adjusted anywhere from partially
P l a c e the mode selector switch (fig. 2-3) in the OFF
closed to fully closed. Full closed provides 100
percent fresh air ventilation (pulling chain closes
a. G e n e r a l . F o u r b a s i c m o d e s o f o p e r a t i o n a r e
(2) Place the fan speed switch to the desired
p r o v i d e d for in the air conditioner. Instructions for
speed for amount of ventilation.
each mode of operation are provided in the in-
(3) Place the mode selector switch in the
structions that follow. T h e o p e r a t o r s h o u l d
VENTILATE position.
familiarize himself with the controls and their
d. Low Heat Mode. To operate the air con-
l o c a t i o n s as described in table 2-1 and figures 2-3,
ditioner in the low heat mode, perform the
2-4 a n d 2 - 5 .
following instructions in sequence:
(1) Open the intake air grille louvers.
Do not operate the air conditioner on
(2) Adjust the air damper and secure the
the cooling or ventilating mode unless
chain in slot.
the canvas cover is rolled up or
( 3 ) Place the mode selector switch in the LO-
HEAT position.
b . C o o l i n g M o d e . To operate the air conditioner
(4) Rotate the temperature control thermostat
in the cooling mode, perform the following
to the position for the temperature desired.
procedures in sequence:
(5) Select either HI or LO fan speed by
(1) Place the mode selector switch in the
p l a c i n g the fan speed switch to the desired position.
COOL position.
e. High Heat Mode. To operate the air con-
(2) Rotate the temperature control thermostat
ditioner in the high heat mode, perform the
to the position for the desired temperature.
following instructions in sequence:
(3) Select either HI or LO fan speed by
(1) Open the intake air grille louvers.
p l a c i n g the fan speed switch to the desired position.
(2) Adjust the air damper and secure the
(4) For cooling with fresh makeup air, open
chain in slot.
damper door and partially close intake air grille
(3) Place the mode selector switch in the HI-
louvers. For 100% recirculation of enclosed air,
HEAT position.
completely close the damper door. Do not com-
(4) Rotate the temperature control thermostat
pletely close the intake air grille.
to the position for the temperature desired.
c. Ventilate Mode. To operate the air con-
(5) Select either HI or LO fan speed by
ditioner in the ventilate mode. perform the
p l a c i n g the fan speed switch to the desired position.
following procedures in sequence:
2-12. Operation in Extreme Cold
a. General. The air conditioner is designed to
C l e a n the condenser coil and evaporator coil weekly
operate at a minimum low temperature of 50
or more often if necessary. Clean the air filter, fresh
degrees F. Be sure that all thermostatic controls
air inlet screen and condenser coil guard daily.
and dampers are in proper position.
b. Electrical System. Make sure the electrical
system is free of ice and moisture.
I f the unit is outside and not operating, protect it
w i t h the canvas cover (fig. 1-2) or other waterproof
Do not disturb the wiring during cold
material. Remove cover during dry periods. Open
weather unless absolutely necessary.
the front access panel to allow unit to dry before
Cold temperatures make wiring and
operating. Use caution when operating electrical
insulation brittle and easily broken.
2-13. Operation in Extreme Heat
a. General. The air conditioner is designed to
W a s h the exterior of the unit with clean fresh water
operate satisfactorily at temperatures up to 120
at frequent intervals. Do not damage the electrical
degrees F.
equipment during the cleaning operation. If the
b . Ventilation. A l l o w s u f f i c i e n t r o o m a r o u n d t h e
metal surfaces become exposed or corroded, coat
a i r conditioner for adequate air circulation,
the exposed surfaces with rust-proofing material.
Remove corrosion and pain the exposed surface.
Do not restrict the flow of air at the intake and
discharge openings of the unit.
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