![]() 2-17. Operation In Snow
t h e air conditioning filter, fresh air inlet screen and
condenser coil guard daily.
If the unit is outside and not operating, protect it
w i t h the canvas cover (fig. 1-2) or other waterproof
2-19. Operation At High Altitudes
material. Remove cover during dry periods and
If the unit is being operated at high altitudes,
open the front access panel to allow unit to dry
p r o t e c t it from over heating. Allow sufficient room
b e f o r e operating. Make sure the electrical system is
around the air conditioner for adequate air cir-
free of ice and moisture.
2-18. Operation In Mud
Use the same precautions as for humid or rainy
No special instructions are required for operation
conditions. Be sure that the condenser coil and
b e l o w sea level, except, observe precautions of other
evaporator coil are clean before operating. Clean
environmental conditions present.
2-21. Canvas Cover
base of the air conditioner to secure the lower
portion of the condenser coil and guard to the
a . Opening for Cooling Operation. (fig. 1-1 and
1-2. The canvas cover is fastened to the sides,
c. Installation (fig. 1-2). Installation of the
bottom and top of the air conditioner with screws
canvas cover shall be in the reverse order of
and washers. It may be left secured to the casing
a n d opened for cooIing or ventilating operation by
o p e n i n g the zippered center flap and rolling the flap
2-22. Sound Attenuator
u p to expose the condenser air intake and discharge
A sound attenuator is recommended for use on this
o p e n i n g s . The rolled flap may be kept in place by
air conditioner when quieter operation is required.
s e c u r i n g with the two turn button fasteners located
Sufficient clearance must be allowed when the
o n the top of the air conditioner.
sound attenuator is utilized. The attenuator
provides a sound dampening effect for the normal
Never operate the air conditioner on the
s o u n d s the air conditioner emits. It is mounted on
cooling or ventilating mode unless the
t h e front of the air conditioner, and may be used in
canvas cover is rolled, up or removed
cases where the system does not have air ducts
attached. The attenuator replaces the intake air
and discharge air grilles. The return air enters the
from the air conditioner by removal of the 16
bottom, and the conditioned air leaves the top of
screws and washers securing it to the top, bottom
t h e attenuator. Refer to figure 1-3 for proper sound
a n d sides of the air conditioner. After removing the
attenuator installation.
cover, replace the four screws and washers at the
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