![]() Corrective Action
Probable Cause
If cycling is excessive, shut off cooling
Outdoor air temperature fluctuating
9. Compressor cycles constantly.
operation and operate to obtain
near the 50F, setting of the
maximum cooling through use of
outside air temperature.
the ventilation mode (para 2-11).
Remove obstruction to evaporator
Restricted air flow to the evaporator
10. Low pressure cutout trips ex-
air m o v e m e n t . I n s u r e t h a t
evaporator intake and discharge air
grilles are open (para 2-11).
Close circuit breaker contacts (para
Circuit breaker contacts open.
1 1 . No heat, fan motor running
Raise setting of temperature control
Temperature control thermostat eat
12. Low heat only. Fan motor
thermostat (para 2-11).
too low.
running properly.
a. Remove obstructions to evaporator
a. Restricted air flow to evaporator
13. Insufficient heating, Fan motor
air m o v e m e n t . I n s u r e t h a t
running properly.
evaporator intake and discharge air
grilles are open (para 2-11).
b. Insure that the outdoor air
b. Excessive amount of cold outdoor
is closed to provide the minimum
air being introduced.
introduction of outdoor air for
ventilation (para 2-11).
c. R a i s e s e t t i n g o f t e m p e r a t u r e
c. Temperature
set too low.
control thermostat (para 2-11).
compressed air in the reverse of normal air flow.
3-7. General
Replace the screen i f d a m a g e d .
The instructions in this section are published for
c . I n s t a l l a t i o n . Install the fresh air inlet screen
the information and guidance of the operator in
in reverse order of removal.
maintaining the air conditioner.
Disconnect the air conditioner from the
power source before performing any
assembly from the rear of the air conditioner by
maintenance on the components of the
removing 8 screws.
air conditioner.
b. Servicing. Wash the guard to remove ac-
cumulated dirt and other obstructions to air flow.
Replace damaged guard.
a. Removal. Remove the fresh air inlet screen
f r o m the rear of the air conditioner by removing 5
guard in the reverse order of removal.
b. Servicing. Clean the screen by blowing with
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