![]() cover by removing the two mounting screws which
c. Service. Service of the fresh air inlet screen
c o n s i s t s of cleaning to remove accumulated dirt and
secure the cover to the rear of the casing.
dust. Cleaning may usually be accomplished by
c. Servicing. Servicing of the service valve
washing and scrubbing in the case of severe ac-
a c c e s s cover consists of re-gluing or replacement of
contaminants. D r y t h e s c r e e n
loose or defective gasketing.
thoroughly before putting back into service.
d. Installation. Installation of the service valve
d . Installation. Installation shall be in the reverse
access cover shall be in the reverse order of
order of removal.
4-16. Circuit Breaker Reset Access Cover
a . General. O p e n i n g s a r e p r o v i d e d o n e a c h s i d e
a. General. The circuit breaker reset access
of the air conditioner for installation of the air
c o v e r provides access to the circuit breaker trip bar
conditioner power input cable. The power
from the right side of the air conditioner.
receptacle is normally connected to the rear of the
b. Removal. Remove the circuit breaker reset
a i r conditioner just above the condenser coil. In the
a c c e s s cover by loosening the two captive mounting
e v e n t the power input is required to be on the side
c. S e r v i c e . S e r v i c i n g o f t h e c i r c u i t b r e a k e r r e s e t
of the air conditioner this receptacle may be
a c c e s s cover consists of re-gluing or replacement of
disconnected from the casing and fastened to the
loose or defective gasketing. The two mounting
casing through the opening in either of the sides.
screws should be checked to insure that the screw
b. Removal. The front access panel and the
retaining washers are in place.
j u n c t i o n box and control panel must be removed to
d. Installation. Installation shall be in the
provide access to the four nuts which secure the
reverse order of removal.
screws which retain the alternate power connection
covers, If the power input receptacle is to be in-
4-17. CBR Cover
s t a l l e d in either of the two side openings it should
a. General. The CBR cover is provided to seal
be removed by removing the four nuts and screws
off the Chemical, Biological, Radiological (CBR)
w h i c h secure it to the casing. A retaining ring with
d u c t opening in the rear of the air conditioner. This
four top screw holes is an integral part of the wiring
c o v e r should always be in place unless an external
harness of which the power input receptacle is an
CBR unit is utilized to provide fresh, filtered
integral part.
outdoor air to the air conditioned space.
c. I n s t a l l a t i o n . W h e n t h e e l e c t r i c a l i n p u t
b. Removal. Remove the CBR cover by
r e c e p t a c l e is moved to the side location, secure it to
r e m o v i n g the five screws and washers which secure
t h e unit casing by installing the four screws which
it to the upper left corner of the back of the air
s e c u r e d it to the rear panel through the holes at the
conditioner casing.
new location. These screws are threaded through
c. S e r v i c e . S e r v i c i n g o f t h e C B R c o v e r c o n s i s t s
the retaining ring which is part of the wiring
of re-gluing or replacement of defective gasketing.
harness. Be sure to install the alternate power
d. Installation. Installation shall be in the
connection cover over the opening left where the
reverse order of removal.
power input receptacle was previously installed.
Use the same four nuts and screws previously
a. General. The fresh air inlet screen prevents
utilized for installation in the side location. When
l a r g e contaminants from entering the air conditioner
installing the power input receptacle be sure to
through the fresh air duct.
i n s u r e that the receptacle cover chain is secured to
b . R e m o v a l . Remove the fresh air inlet screen
one of the four mounting screws. When the power
by removing the five screws and washers which
input cable is not installed, cover the power input
secure it to the upper right corner of the back of the
receptacle with the receptacle cover.
air conditioner casing.
that the filter be inspected and serviced with
T h e air filter is located behind the intake air grille
i n the air conditioner. The filter removes dust and
4-21. Removal
contaminants from the air entering the evaporator
R e m o v e the intake air grille (para 4-13). Spring the
compartment thus protecting the evaporator coil
right side of the filter from under the spring clip
and other components from becoming fouled by
l o c a t e d near the center right side of the filter. Slide
d i r t in the air. For this reason it is very important
t h e filter out from the left hand retaining channel.
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