![]() 4-22.
2104, Grade 20 or better. Drain off excess oil
before installation.
Wash the filter with dry cleaning solvent, Federal
Specification P-D-680, and dry with clean, low
pressure, compressed air. Dip or spray the filter
I n s t a l l the air filter in the reverse order of removal.
with "Filter Kote" or oil, Specification M11-L-
4-24. General
drain tube assembly. Remove the compression
spring and the ball check from the drain tube
When the condensate drain system is opened for
assembly. Clean accumulated debris from the
maintenance, all hoses and tubes which are
condensate drain pan located under the evaporator
disconnected should be removed, inspected, and
c o i l . Blow out the drain tubes which are integral to
reinstalled securely.
the casing, the rubber drain tubes and the drain
t u b e assemblies with compressed air. Clean the ball
Remove the front access panel (para 4-12), the
and compression spring with dry cleaning solvent,
control panel and junction box (para 4-36)
Federal Specification P-D-680, and dry throughly.
R e m o v e the nut, clamp and screw which secure the
I n s p e c t the ball and ball seat for pitting or scratches
l o w e r portion of each drain tube to the junction box
w h i c h would affect tight sealing. Inspect the spring
mounting bracket. Loosen each of the two hose
for proper tension. Inspect tbe rubber hoses for
c l a m p s which secure the short piece of rubber drain
s i g n s of wear and inspect all parts for cracks, weld
tubing to the drain to be assembled to the drain
breaks or other defects. Replace or repair as
tubing which is welded into the casing assembly.
Slip the drain tube assembly and the rubber drain
4-27. Installation
tube out of the air conditioner. Remove the
discharge air grille (para 4-13).
I n s t a l l a t i o n of the condensate drain system shall be
in the reverse order of removal.
Remove the cotter pin from the lower end of the
4-28. General
each side. Loosen the screws holding the two
clamps which secure the circuit breaker actuator
The circuit breaker actuator cable provides a
cable to the right side of the junction box. Move the
means of re-setting the circuit breaker without the
a c t u a t o r cable up through the clamps to provide the
necessity of removing any panels or covers. The
reset knob is located at the rear of the air con-
maximum amount of clearance between the cable
s l e e v e and circuit breaker throw bar linkage. Secure
ditioner as shown in figure 1-2.
t h e junction box to its mounting brackets. Pull out
the circuit breaker actuator cable knob at the rear
Remove the front access panel (para 4-12). Tbe
o f the air conditioner and adjust the end fitting core
circuit breaker reset bar is located at the lower right
o n the reset cable to insure that the circuit breaker
s i d e of the junction box, Raise the circuit breaker to
i s in the full UP position. Push the circuit breaker
i t s full UP position. It should hold in this position
actuator cable knob all the way in. Depress the
with no interference between the reset mechanism
c i r c u i t breaker throw bar and insure that it goes to
and its securing hardware. If there is interference
t h e full DOWN position. If it does not, readjust the
l o o s e n the junction box from the two side mounting
end fitting core.
brackets by loosening the two mounting screws at
4-30. Evaporator Fan
T h e direction of rotation is counter clockwise when
a. General. The air conditioner is equipped
viewed from the front of the air conditioner.
with an impeller type centrifugal evaporator fan.
The evaporator fan is mounted on one end of the
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