![]() mechanical. interference and that the fan wheel
b. Removal. Removal of the evaporator fan
turns in a concentric pattern around the shaft.
must be accomplished by the following:
(1) Remove the intake air grille (para 4-13).
(2) Remove the air filter (para 4-21).
a . General. The air conditioner is equipped with
( 3 ) Remove the inlet ring by removing the six
an axial, type condenser fan. The condenser fan is
screws and washers.
mounted on one end of the double shafted
(4) Loosen the two set screws in the fan hub
evaporator/condenser fan motor. The direction of
using a 1/8 inch Allen type wrench.
r o t a t i o n is clockwise when viewed from the back of
(5) Remove the fan wheel from the motor
the air conditioner.
s h a f t . If the wheel will not move by hand, utilize a
w h e e l puller with a center piece of not greater than
be accomplished by the following steps.
1/2 inch diameter. In the event a wheel puller is not
(1) Remove the condenser fan guard (para 4-
available, two 5/16-18 screws may be inserted in
the two threaded holes located in the fan hub.
(2) Loosen the two set screws in the fan hub
T h e s e screws should be tightened evenly against the
using a 1/8 inch Allen type wrench.
motor flange to remove the fan wheel.
(3) Remove the fan wheel from the motor
c. Service. Service of the fan wheel consists of
s h a f t . If the wheel will not move by hand, utilize a
cleaning accumulated contamination. The wheel
w h e e l puller with a center piece of not greater than
should be inspected for cracked welds, bent blades
1/2 inch diameter. In the event a wheel puller is not
o r cones and concentricity of the cone to the back
a v a i l a b l e , two 1/4-20 screws may be inserted in the
plate. Defective wheels should be replaced before
two threaded holes located near the center of the
the air conditioner is returned to service.
wheel. These screws should be tightened evenly
d. Installation. Installation of the evaporator
a g a i n s t the motor end bell to remove the wheel.
f a n shall be in the reverse order of removal. Place
c. Service. Service of the fan wheel consists of
t h e fan wheel on the motor shaft with the keyways
cleaning accumulated contamination.
a l i g n e d . Install the key into the keyway and drive in
d. Installation. Installation of the condenser
so it is flush with the hub of the fan wheels.
f a n shall be in the reverse order of removal. Place
P r e s s u r e should only be applied only to the hub of
t h e fan wheel on the motor shaft with the keyways
the wheel during installation to prevent distortion
a l i g n e d . Install the key into the keyway and drive in
of the cone and blades. The wheel should be in-
so that it is flush with the hub of the fan wheel. The
stalled so that there is a minimum amount of
w h e e l should be installed so that the end of the hub
c l e a r a n c e between the cone of the wheel and the fan
i s flush with the end of the motor shaft. Torque the
i n l e t ring. The end of the fan hub should be flush
t w o set screws to 82 inch pounds. After installation
with the end of the motor shaft at this condition.
of the wheel, spin to insure that there is even
T o r q u e the two set screws to 82 inch pounds when
c l e a r a n c e between the outside of the wheel and the
fully tightened. A bent or broken fan inlet ring
fan shroud. After installation of the fan guard,
should be replaced. After installation of the fan
check to insure that there is no mechanical in-
w h e e l and inlet ring spin to insure that there is no
terference between the guard and the wheel.
4-32. General
connector from the terminal box located on the
l o w e r portion of the motor housing near the motor
mounting flange. Test the fan motor for resistance
shafted, dual speed permanent split capacitor
w i t h a multimeter set on the low ohm scale. Touch
motor which drives both the condenser and
the loads of the multimeter to the pins of the
evaporator fans. The motor is flange mounted to
electrical receptacle connector. The multimeter
the bulkhead between the evaporator and con-
should indicate a low resistance value across each
denser compartments. The overload protector is
pair of pins. The resistance from Terminal C to
l o c a t e d inside the motor housing. It's purpose is to
Terminals B and E should be greater than the
protect the motor from the effects of excessive
resistance from Terminal C to Terminals A and D.
temperature or current draw.
A n open circuit reading from Terminal C to all the
4-33. Fan Motor Testing
remaining four pins indicates that the internal
Obtain access to the fan motor by removing the
thermal protector is open. If this is the case, suf-
condenser fan (para 4-31). Remove the electrical
ficient time should be allowed for the thermal
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