![]() contacts. Check relay coil K1 and solenoid valves
(g) Fan motor thermal protector: con-
L1 and L2.
(h) Check for 30 volts AC output from
are the two basic requirements for heating
transformer T.
(i) C h e c k f o r 2 4 v o l t s D C o u t p u t f r o m
operation. Check air flow as outlined in paragraph
rectifier CR.
5-11b above.
( 1 ) Place the selector switch in the LO-HEAT
(j) C h e c k c a p a c i t o r C 1 .
p o s i t i o n and the temperature control in the extreme
(5) If all control components appear to be
clockwise position. Wait for five minutes then
functioning properly and the fan motor fails to
check air flow for heat.
o p e r a t e or operates improperly check the fan motor
(2) Measure continuity across selector switch
w i n d i n g s for continuity, shorts and proper voltage.
contacts S/W1, 2 to A and S/W2, 2 to B. Check
c. Cooling. P r o p e r r e f r i g e r a n t c h a r g e , com-
thermal protector S3.
presser operation and air flow are the three basic
requirements for cooling operation. Check air flow
breaker contacts B1 and B2.
as outlined in paragraph b above.
(1) Place the selector switch in the COOL
p o s i t i o n and check second set of heaters operation.
position, and rotate thermostat to extreme decrease
(5) Measure for continuity across selector
p o s i t i o n . Wait for five minutes then check air flow
switch contacts S/W3, 2 to A, S/W2, 2 to B and
for coolness and listen for compressor operation.
S/W1, 2 to A.
(2) If compressor operates but cooling is
(6) Measure continuity and resistance to
insufficient, check refrigerant through sight glass.
ground across each heater to isolate a particular
(3) If compressor fails to operate, check
heater that is malfunctioning.
voltage on load side of circuit breaker then check
( 7 ) Check for continuity across thermostat S1,
same voltage on load side of K1 contact.
contacts R to BL.
(4) Check temperature control thermostat.
( 8 ) Check voltage across relay coil K2 and for
Reset pressure switches S6 and S5. Measure
continuity across its contacts A1 to A2.
continuity across pressure switch contacts.
(5) Check relay coil K6 and its time delay
5-12. G e n e r a l
(3) Remove junction box assembly (para 4
This section provides instructions for the removal
( 4 ) Remove flare nuts from each end of the
and installation of major components for the air
conditioner. Removal instructions for other
(5) Remove screw and clamp holding the
components are contained in Chapter 4 of this
dehydrator and remove the dehydrator from its
m a n u a l . The procedures included in this section are
mounting bracket.
p r e s e n t e d in logical order for complete disassembly
b. Installation. Installation of the dehydrator
of the air conditioner.
s h a l l be in reverse order of removal. Always install
a new dehydrator when the system has been opened
Before removing any components from
to the atmosphere. Insure that the dehydrator is
the air conditioner, care must be taken
i n s t a l l e d with the outlet toward the sight glass. The
to disconnect the input power to the
dehydrator is marked with an arrow showing the
unit. This will insure the safety of-
direction of flow. Evacuate and recharge the
personnel and prevent damage to the air
a. Removal.
(1) Discharge the refrigerant system (para 5-
Refrigerant system must be discharged
8 b ).
before opening refrigerant circuit (para
(2) Remove the two screws securing the lower
front panel and remove) the panel.
5-13. Dehydrator
(3) Remove junction box assembly (para 4-
a. Removal.
(1) Discharge the refrigerant system (para 5-
( 2 ) R e m o v e two screws and remove the front
(5) Discharge the refrigerant and unscrew the
access panel.
pressure switch from the refrigerant system.
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